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Rationale and Correct Answer Essay The most immediate approach to accumulate target data about kids is to watch them over the span of the...
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
High School Senior Year Research Paper on Surgeons
English: Expository Composition 23 May 2011 Surgeons One might think of surgery as simple as going to the hospital and receiving a complex operation that saves ones life or improves their quality of life. What most people do not realize is the hardships that those people go through unless they had surgery performed on them themselves, and same thing for the surgeons it is not easy for them as well, even though they are professional and highly trained. Most people do not think about or even know of how surgery came to be what it is today and even if they did know, they would not really care or think it matters. Well, theyre wrong, because if it wasnt for the ancient times and eras such as the reconstruction period, surgery†¦show more content†¦The Endocrine Surgeon specializes in the field of diseases of the hormone-producing glands. There arent a lot of people who specialize in endocrine surgery, but those who do operate on glands such as the thyroid gland, the adrenal gland, and the pituitary gland, and sometimes they have t o end up working on the pancreas or even possibly erectile disfunction. The Neurosurgeon operates on the skull, brain and spinal cord. They also operate on internal bleeding of the skull caused by conditions such as aneurysms, head injuries, tumors, swellings of the pituitary gland, and brain abscesses. The Cardiothoracic Surgeon is one of the most important because they studies the chest wall, gullet, lungs, pleura and heart. They also treat diseases and perform many types of surgery in those fields, such as a heart bypass or lung surgery. Surgical training generally takes eight years of school and five years of residency after high school. While your formal medical training usually wont begin until after youve received a bachelors degree, there are steps you can take to begin to prepare while still in high school. Take biology, chemistry, physics, and as much mathematics as your school offers and also focus on the highest level of math and science that is offered. For example, com petitive colleges will generally prefer an advanced-placement biology course rather than an anatomy course that is open to the entireShow MoreRelatedTobacco Product Should Be Banned1413 Words  | 6 PagesTobacco Product should be banned According to World health organization –WHO (2014), tobacco keeps on killing 6,000,000 every year globally. Tobacco practice has been going on from ancient times. In ancient time, tobacco was used for smoking and chewing just as it today. But, now it’s time to stop this practice. Because today not only people are dying due to consumption of tobacco products, but also they are suffering from very serious diseases caused by it. Besides it is also carry great risk andRead MoreHow Technology Has Changed Our Lives936 Words  | 4 Pagesunderstand the inner workings of nature. I am interested in the latter option; research, or independent discovery, is a core component of learning. As a research intern in my junior and senior years in high school at Prof. Nathan Newman’s lab at Arizona State University I studied the properties of dielectric materials. In order to devise an original question to investigate, I read numerous research papers. Although the research pape rs were abstruse, conducting the experiment was more arduous since I confrontedRead MoreThe Effects Of Stress Among College Students Essay855 Words  | 4 PagesOver the years many studies have been conducted to determine what creates stress and how college students can cope with stress. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
A Brief Look at World War II - 686 Words
World War II, or the Second World War, was one of the biggest wars because it was international. It lasted from 1939 to 1945. It involved almost every major power in the world, forming two military alliances called the Allies and the Axis. It was the most well-known war in history, and it involved more than 100 million people, from more than 30 different countries! 50 to 85 million victims were killed or severely injured due to the use of air power to bomb enemy cities and countries. All of these fatal contributions made World War II one of the deadliest conflicts in human history. It all started on September 1st, 1939 when Germany attacked Poland without a declaration of war. On September 3rd, Britain and France declared war on Germany. This is what made all of the other major powers to join in. Even though the story of the Second World War is a military one, the fighting never occurred in isolation. The war reflected a political, social, and economic background from all countries. The instant reason for the outburst in Europe was because of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party in Germany. Adolf Hitler was a German leader who believed Jewish people didn’t belong on the same universe as Christians. In the United States, about seven million women joined the workforce in addition to the twelve million who were already in it. African Americans traveled north from the rural south in packs of hundreds and thousands. At times, conflict between the white workers and black workersShow MoreRelatedA Brief Look at World War II1037 Words  | 4 Pages World War II wa s a traumatic event that is known to be the darkest times in American and European history. It was estimated between 60 to 80 million people had lost their lives during time of battle. Before the United States was involved in the war, the country entered a state of isolationism. Americans saw the war was Europe’s problem and wished to stay out of it. However, as the situation in Europe became more urgent, this edged the United States closer to entering the war. The breaking pointRead MoreA Brief Look at World War II1521 Words  | 6 PagesWorld War II World War II was the largest war and the bloodiest war that the U.S. has ever been involved in. Forty to Fifty million people lost their lives during World War II. This was a war that lasted for about six years and involved countries from around the whole world. The axis powers in the war consisted of Germany, Italy, and Japan. The Allie powers consisted of the United States, France, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and to a lesser extent, China. It is said that unsettled disputes fromRead MoreAnti Semitism And The Jewish State Essay1389 Words  | 6 Pagesdiscrimination against Jewish people as individuals and as a group. (A Brief History of Anti-Semitism) People may think that anti-Semitism began with Adolf Hitler but they are mistaken. There is so much evidence of anti-Semitism as far back as the ancient world. (History.com, n.d.) There are three examples of anti-Semitism in Europe prior to World War One that I will discuss. The first example of anti-Semitism in Europe prior to World War One is when a new anti-Judaism evolved after the advent of ChristianityRead MoreEssay on The Attack on Pearl Harbor1720 Words  | 7 Pageswas a war raging in Europe in 1939 that involved many United States allies. Hitler’s German troops were attacking France, Poland, Great Britain and other European countries. Despite the attacks on these United States allies, citizens in the United States wanted to remain neutral. Meanwhile, in the Pacific, Japan had invaded China and Indochina and was making preparations for broader war. As late as December 1941, Americans thought that the United States Government should stay out of World War IIRead MoreA Short Note On International Business Research Project Essay1444 Words  | 6 PagesResources Guidelines. DO NOT USE THE TEXTBOOK as a reference for this assignment. Introduction of the country (700-900 words): i. Brief history of the country selected – 500-600 words ii. Describe the demographics – 250 words Introduction of the USA Company and product you have selected (700 – 900 words): i. Include company name and brief history of the company ii. Board of directors iii. Describe product (no prototype is needed but be thorough) iv. Stock market indicators v. Include chartRead MoreThe Many Changes of Fashion Essay1557 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is Fashion? Fashion is a general term used to describe a style of clothing or practice used by people around the world. Fashion refers to anything that is a trend. Self-presentation is the most direct noticeable marker of fashion. Throughout history we have seen many changes in clothing, from the color, to the material used to make it. We have also seen the style in which clothing is made change drastically. Fashion communicates meanings that have individual and social significance. SocietyRead MoreThe War Of The World War II1463 Words  | 6 PagesIn the early parts of the twentieth century the world was turned upside down in the wakes of the deadliest war it had ever seen in 1914. For the first time, science was playing a large part in the makings of the war, with the invention poison gasses being thrown into the war field. And then, to make matters worse, in 1939, Germany invaded Poland to spark the second of the World Wars. 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Moreover, there was segregation in housing, employment, and education throughout the United States. There was a small chance for improvement in racial relationships until World War II began. World War II revealed the racial segregation and discrimination of the nation. World War II initiated many social processes that slowly led to vital changes during the late 1940s (â€Å"Racial Discrimination†). In Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, the behavior of Pecola Breedlove, Pauline BreedloveRead MoreA Quick View at the Twnetieth Century United States up to the Vietnam War1604 Words  | 6 Pagesthe attention of youth. Political cartoons impose variations of opinion by showcasing another nation i nadequacies in war, subjecting other countries to blame for World War II. In the political cartoons entitled: Daddy, What Did You Do in the Great War, a little blonde girl and her brother seem to be having family time with their father. The cartoon is illustrated to capture a brief pause between the daughter’s question and the father’s response, as the father appears startled by the question and unprepared
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Yellow Wall Paper Essay Example For Students
The Yellow Wall Paper Essay In the early twentieth century a writers work usually represented ones surroundings. In the stories Wunderkind; by Carson McCullers and The Yellow Wallpaper; by Charolotte Gilman, there are examples of the immediate surroundings taking affect in their writings. Both writers prove a point, conditions and attitudes presented in the early 20th century influenced and often extinguished the potential or imagination of the artist. In most cases a person becomes what his/her surroundings let them. A persons family, friends, neighborhood and every day things will shape and mold ones morals and character. In The Yellow Wallpaper,; the narrator is also the author. Charolotte Gilman writes about her struggle with insanity. Her imagination slowly extinguished and dwindled because of attitudes present in this era. The story takes place in a house in the countryside. Johns plan was to get his wife away from all the hustle and bustle and have her relax. John, a doctor, along with another doctor, gave Johns wife a prescription of exercise, rest and absolutely no writing. They believed (along with society) that this was the best thing for people suffering from insanity. John never came out and said she was going insane. He just said she was stressed and needed rest. He actually told her not to think about her condition; it would only make things worse. So for the few weeks they were on vacation, she tried to follow his prescription except for when she would secretly write. It was a favorite passion of hers that gave her a break from societys daily stresses. On a daily basis she was stuck in h er house with no one to talk to because John would go to town for days at a time. She wasnt allowed to take care of her baby. She couldnt even talk to people about how she felt. In this time period women didnt have as much say as they do now. Both her brother and her husband told her that this was the best thing for her recovery. She couldnt say no when her husband was telling her not to write. I believe that because of her surroundings which her husband put her in she went insane much faster. The fact that she couldnt write and didnt really have anyone to talk to drove her to start hallucinating about the women in the wall. The wallpaper in the room became one of her fetishes. There are things in the wallpaper that nobody knows about but me, or ever will.;(Narrator, 534) It wasnt just a small fetish at the end, but a large portion of her day would be spent contemplating about the walls, colors, and designs. She even believed she could smell the wallpaper, throughout the whole house and even in her hair. Her mind started comprehending herself as the woman in the wallpaper. The woman was stuck in the wall night after night just like her being stuck in the house. The faint figure behind seemed to shake the pattern, just as if she wanted to get out,; (Narrator 534). Which was exactly what she wanted. She couldnt express herself in the ways she wanted to. She didnt have any way of venting her emotions; writing was her escape. Most of the time she was by herself and didnt have anyone to talk to, and when her husband was there she couldnt really talk to him about all the things she wanted to. Thats the symbolism behind the figure in the wallpaper. Both she and the figure in the wall wanted to escape, but neither could. She created this hallucination, in the sense that it was herself, someone she could relate to. She tore up her room during what seemed to be a breakdown. The wall paper was ripped off the walls in numerous spots. In her own mind she was trying to free herself and her other self in the wall. I cant say exactly what she was thinking, but Im guessing when the figure in the wall was free, so was she. Many times her husband stayed in town for long periods of time, which gave her plenty of time to do nothing. She couldnt write because of John. Writing is a great way to channel your feelings and thoughts. She was stuck in a lonely house with a mental disability. It seemed to get worse on a daily basis and she couldnt really talk to anybody about how she was feeling. This was a feeding ground for the disease (insanity) to get worse. Her potential was crushed every day she wasnt allowed to write, along with the fact she couldnt leave the house or even talk to her friends. Your potential can only grow if you nourish it and give it what it needs. If you neglect it, it will slowly diminish. In this case, she needed an environment that she could use her writing skills and interact and communicate with others. Because of John crushing her pot ential, two serious things could result.(along with others) She could lose some of her skills over time and it could also make her extremely unhappy and probably depressed. When you have a love for something and you cant do it, that creates inner turmoil, which doesnt help anybody. These are only a few of the results of suppressing your artistic ability. This is only one person, that attitudes during the 20th century extinguished her potential. Think about the thousands of lives that also had this happen to them, because of societal views. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This time period didnt have much knowledge about insanity or how to treat it. This is why the author, along with many others, have had their artistic skills smothered because of attitudes present in the past and even todays society. In todays day and age we know all the symptoms and how to treat it. This is partly due to Charolotte Gil man and her struggle. The doctor that had treated her has actually changed his method of trying to cure insanity. Its a known fact now that interaction with others and demonstrating artistic skills help in cases like these. She was isolated and couldnt express herself to others. When she tried to tell John that she was better in her body aspect but not in her mind he cut her off and told her never to speak like that again. So of course I said no more on that score, and we went to sleep before long; (Narrator 535). She knew what helped her and what hurt her. She said a few times that she wanted to go home. The narrator even thought to herself I think sometimes that if I was only well enough to write a little it would relieve the press of ideas and rest me; (Narrator 531). Todays cures come from listening to patents and seeing what works and what doesnt. If they used these methods back then there would be a good chance she would have never started hallucinating and her room would stil l have yellow wallpaper. In the end she couldnt cope with her mental problems. She couldnt cope with being enslaved in the yellow room that seemed so much like a prison to her. Ive got out at last, said I,; in spite of you and Jane. And Ive pulled off most of the paper, so you cant put me back;(540). .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8 , .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8 .postImageUrl , .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8 , .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8:hover , .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8:visited , .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8:active { border:0!important; } .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8:active , .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8 .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4179e50868476d1594cd67edce4054a8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Blood Diamonds Essay In the story Wonderkind; a teacher works with a brilliant piano student who is overcome by societal forces. Shes a young girl that plays the piano with a great skill. Her skill is to play with her heart and her emotions. Her teacher, Misater Bilderbach was an older man that strived to see her play to the best of her ability. Carson McCullers does a fantastic job when writing this story. Her descriptions of the characters and their surroundings and even feelings make you feel like you are actually there. When the young girl plays the piano with her emotions she plays great. This story involves a lot of depicting of emotion through peoples hands. Just like when youre reading the story, if you try to use your emotions you understand it that much better. Carson McCullers uses small descriptions to describe big things. She could see her fingers sinking into a blur of piano keys; said Bienchen (1842). This is one of the first signs that she is not all there. She can still play the same mus ic but the feeling she put in to it is starting to go astray. Whenever the author describes someones hands, he is also describing their emotion at that time. In this story the author uses the characters hands to describe their emotions and personality. Her hands still twitching unconsciously to the motions of the fugue, closed over her bony knees. Tired she was;(author, 1844). This is showing just how much emotion she is putting in to playing the piano. Her energy was gone. The more she worked with Mr. Bilderbach the more her feelings of self consciousness came out. But today she felt that she would notice him from the corner of her eye and be disturbed; (Bienchen 1849). She started to care less about herself and her piano skills and more about Misater Bilderbach would be thinking. At this time the author starts to show her becoming timid. She had a fear of being rejected or not being good enough for what Misater Bilderbach. As time went on she became more and more affected by this self conscious disease. She felt that the marrows of her bones were hollow and there was no blood left in her. Her heart that had been springing against her chest all afternoon felt suddenly dead. She saw it gray and limp and shriveled at the edges like an oyster.; (Bienchen 1851) This girl isnt there for herself any more. She ended up grabbing all of her books and supplies and walked out. There is a connection between Bienchen and Carson McCullers. These two are very much like each other. No matter what you do, if you do it with your emotion you do it better. Carson McCullers writes about a young girl that has a fantastic talent. Carson McCullers also was a great pianist at a young age. The reason that Carson McCullers could describe this story so well is because he experienced somewhat of the same life as her character did. At one point in both these authors lives, conditions or attitudes present in the early 20th centuryinfluenced and extinguished their potential or imagination o f their lives. These books were important because they taught others about problems in society that needed to be changed.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Money Cannot Bring Happiness free essay sample
It is truly undeniable that in this science and technology millennium, we can hardly live without money. Even buying something small such as sweet will cost you some money. However, this does not mean that money can buy happiness, unlike the misconception of most people in the world. In fact, wealth is a far cry from happiness. If you disagree with me, lets look at the reasons for my stand. Firstly, one of the main gates to happiness is to stay healthy. Maybe some people think that when one is rich, he can be healthy or it does not matter even if they have diseases because these rich men have lots of money to pay their medication. This is totally wrong. Good health is acquired from a healthy lifestyle progressively and not in a day. With lots of money we are tend to temp ourselves to exotic, luxurious food. If this food is taken excessively, it will let to obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension and other serious illness. We will write a custom essay sample on Money Cannot Bring Happiness or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Moreover, rich people are probably lack of exercise as they hardly walk outdoor due to 24 hours-service debar fetching them about causing them to be at a higher risk of getting these unnecessarily health problems. How a person can enjoys his life and feels happy when he is confined to a wheelchair or bed-ridden. He would not even be glad spending his money and time curing his sickness. Therefore, wealth cannot bring happiness. Professionals like doctor, nurse, lawyer, engineer, food technologist and accountant earn a lot of money per month. They are considered the high class citizens who can afford large, expensive house with huge beautiful gardens. But do they really enjoy the pleasures of life? Most probably not because they are simply too busy with their work. They frequently burnt the midnight oil in their work place. It is even more miserable if they have to turn their home into a working place. Most specialists have to stand-by 24 hours in case of emergency calls from the hospitals. Hence, they can hardly spend any relax, restful night at their home even if they posse a huge two and a half storey bungalow with a beautiful garden and artificial waterfall. Successful businessmen may always have a chance of flying to all parts of the world when they go out station to make business. However, very few of them can really take it as a holiday as a treat for themselves for their schedules are always full and they are so stressful with their works. Even fewer businessmen can ignore urgent, pursuing calls from their clients or office when they are going for holidays or resting. In other words, one can make lots of money but he may not enjoy even the beauty of nature around them or the branded, expensive things with them. So what is the use of money when we do not even enjoy a meal properly and discontented with lives. One with a moderate income can feels happier if he leads a simple life and be grateful with what he has. Finally, a children or a teenage brought in moderate family is better than in a rich family. As the sons or daughters of billionaires, their parents will give them whatever that they want in material. These children or teenagers get a lot of pocket money from their parents and can afford to buy many expensive things like branded, latest handset, expensive clothes and branded sport shoes. But the question is, are they happy if their parents are always working with only an Indonesian maid to accompany them. If they are asked to choose between wealth and love from their parents, I believe that they were undoubtedly choose love. A healthy family is not created for the children. These children mentally are not as healthy as those being cared and loved by their parents. Children need parents who can listen to their problems and give them words of wisdom, teaching then day by day. Parents who are not rich may not be able to buy branded things to satisfy their children but with more communication and understanding, these teenagers will understand the difficulty of their parents in earning money, learning to be thrifty. In short, money does not promise a happy, caring family. Money may be able to buy a lot of things but not love, friendship, health and others. These are the main ‘ingredients’ for a happy life. Thus, it is a controversy if money can bring happiness. Even, if we can afford many things we desired with lots of money, we may not be happy and enjoy our lives if we are always dissatisfied with what we had, yearning for more. Thus, I stand firm that money cannot bring happiness.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Ferdinand Marcos Administration essays
The Ferdinand Marcos Administration essays Ferdinand Marcos was an intellectual, capable of initiating unimaginable ideals for himself and for his country. He served in the military and assembled medals of prestige and honor. For a time Ferdinand was sentenced imprisonment, but this "mishap" proved Ferdinand to be resilient image, he studied while he was in prison and even topped the bar exams; in the future acquitted himself in court through his own defense; who would then know that the core of Martial Law rooted in the blood of the Marcos's. Our president Joseph Estrada, was a former movie actor, who portrayed roles of heroism for the poor. Ferdinand and Erap have different origins; Macoy being a soldier and Erap as an actor; however, the governance of both presidents had similarities in some ways. Before Martial Law, Ferdinand's two years of service to the Filipinos was fairly proficient, infrastructure, which still stands today, was built during those early terms of Ferdinand Marcos. The Marcos regime oversaw the potentials of inflation; they monopolized every possible scene in the industry, placing their cronies and relatives to the advantage and under the protection of the government. The autocratic style and power of Marcos, coupled with the first lady, Imelda Romualdez seemed ceaseless, but the spirit of nationalism was beginning to act, mass rallies were getting into place, and the number of activists grew. Today, the strength of nationalism is being tested once more. An economic and political crisis has sprung again, and the question of another Martial law is being raised. Martial law was heed upon, with the consent of the U.S., there was a new society envisioned by Ferdinand, he saw this as an aperture for a change. Ferdinand's political oppositions and people w ho posed as a threat to the administration was either exiled or imprisoned, again an add-on to the strength of the Regime. Human rights violations, persecutions, corruption, to name, were only a f...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Five steps to writing a great LinkedIn profile - Emphasis
Five steps to writing a great LinkedIn profile Five steps to writing a great LinkedIn profile LinkedIn, thats that online CV thing, right? Well, kind of. But with more than 200 million registered users, 2.8 million company pages and 2.6 billion page views per month, LinkedIn is more than just that, writes Emma Beals. It has 11 million users in the UK, and 74 million in the US. This represents a select audience, too. LinkedIn users are far more likely than non-users to hold university or graduate degrees and be earning in excess of 50,000 per year, which means they are doing some serious business. It has become a powerful professional networking and personal marketing tool. So whether youre keen to get your work or company noticed, or youre on the look-out for a new job, getting the LinkedIn basics right is the first step towards reaching your goals. So here are five sure-fire ways to use your writing skills to up your game on LinkedIn. 1. Complete your profile and keep it up-to-date This may sound obvious, but its very easy to forget this basic step especially if youve been in a role for a while or youve been busy on a project. The very things that are keeping you busy are probably the same ones you should be adding to your achievements and you should mention that promotion as soon as possible. 2. Write a profile summary One of the best ways to stand out is to write a great profile summary. This is a punchy piece that tells the reader something about who you are and what you do. You need to engage the reader from the first line, by writing a great introduction. Your profile statement should be vibrant and distil your skills and experience into a short, clear statement. This is the time for the active voice. You should include your objectives and a call to action. Are you looking to network or for new clients or opportunities? Say so, and suggest the best way to get in touch with you. 3. SEO your LinkedIn page Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) isnt just for websites and Google rankings. Thousands of recruiters and companies search LinkedIn every day, and you want to show up in their search. There are two key ways to push your profile page up the search results: Keywords In your position descriptions, profile statement and throughout your entire profile, make sure you use the words people are searching for. Your can-do attitude might be a wonderful asset in the office but no one is going to search for it. Use specific, search-orientated words throughout your profile, eg project management, social media lead generation, immigration law. Social clout The number of connections you have, the companies you follow and the groups you belong to all affect how far up the search results you appear. If you have shared connections of any kind with the person who is searching, youll come in higher than thousands of other profiles with the same skills and keywords. Prove yourself Once someone is on your page, you need to gain their trust and respect. Links to your other websites or your work, recommendations from colleagues and ex-colleagues and the quality of your connections will all have an impact. 4. Status updates Have you just won a new account, produced a piece of work, or written an article or blog for something related to your work? Here is the place to share it and promote your work to your contacts. This is a great way to be seen as a thought leader in your field and to keep your contacts informed of what youve been doing. It will also help keep your profile relevant and up-to-date think of it as personal marketing. 5. Recommendations You cant make your colleagues and ex-colleagues recommend you (though you can ask), but you can recommend them. What you write will also show on your own page, so its an excellent way to demonstrate the working relationships you have built. Youll find that those youve written about will be more likely to recommend you in return. Using LinkedIn is a great way to keep up-to-date on developments and news within your industry, and in touch with its influencers and to keep them in touch and up-to-date with you. If youre not on it, youre missing out. And if you are on it, come and say hello. Have you been on an Emphasis course? If so, why not join our LinkedIn group Emphasis alumni? You can use it to ask questions, debate issues, or just keep up-to-date with our business-writing articles.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Modern Design HistoryMiddle ages inspiration Term Paper
Modern Design HistoryMiddle ages inspiration - Term Paper Example His carriers advance before world war and after world war by the recommendation of his master he appointed as master in 1919. At this old age he become world famous by Bauhaus. From this time he designed famous door handles (become icon of twentieth century) and large scale housing projects. Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin was an English architect designer remembered by his works on Churches and as design theorist. On his school days he started his talents in design and 15th age went to work and also works as freelance designer. In 17th of his age started small business and after this many books were published. He became an advocate of Christian firm of architecture and on that time by the book Contracts, he group an ideal society by modern secular culture. He designed and refurnished Catholic churches and express his view by become the principal of Christian architecture. Within his limited age of 39 years he designed famous Parliament buildings, railway cottages and other famous works and become world famous. John Ruskin at his college time he reenrolled as gentlemen commoner and then awarded honorary fourth class degree without attending so many days in class.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Peculiarities of Community Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Peculiarities of Community Analysis - Essay Example Recently, however, I have seen a change. I have seen the things I once read of, slowly materializing. I have seen women go from being a household commodity, to being equal to sons in our male chauvinistic culture. Now, working women are accepted rather than shunned like ten years ago. There is a lot more freedom in all aspects, be it dressing, travel, education, lifestyle- almost any aspect one chooses to describe, women are now more liberated than ever before. People now take it as a matter of pride to send their daughters to school, and most of the conservative elements are moving towards modernism and liberalism. This is the change I see around me. What remains to be seen is whether it really is happening, or whether it is just an illusion- a mirage, ‘window-dressing’ in accounting terms. Also, is it just limited to sprawling metropolises, or has the effect permeated to the as-yet-un-westernized rural areas? Another aspiring ray that has developed in females in recent times is their strength. Their robustness to stand change, their robustness to accept change, their robustness on being the change. This has taken the course of action to move to better, positive horizons. â€Å"Whether we like it or not, one of our tasks on this Earth is to work with the opposites through the different level of consciousness until body, soul, and spirit resonate together. Initiation rites, experienced at the appropriate times in our lives, burn off what is no longer relevant, opening our eyes to new possibilities of our own uniqueness.†(Miss Morian Woodman: â€Å"The Pregnant Virgin: A Process of Psychological Transformation†. Page 26 Chrysalis) Using the concept of the process of psychological pregnancy (the virgin forever a virgin, forever pregnant, forever open to possibilities), Woodman examines ways of restoring the unity of body and soul, suggesting that how and what a woman goes through in a man’s world. Drawing on her Jungian analytic practice with its analysis of hundreds of dreams, she explores the search for personal identity and relationships, including the celebration of the feminine both in women and men. She begins with the symbolism of the chrysalis, and then discusses abandonment in the creative woman, psyche-soma awareness, the ritual journey, further thoughts on addiction, and yin, yang, and Jung.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Internet Addiction Essay Example for Free
Internet Addiction Essay Abstract Problematic computer use is a growing social issue which is being debated worldwide. Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) ruins lives by causing neurological complications, psychological disturbances, and social problems. Surveys in the United States and Europe have indicated alarming prevalence rates between 1.5 and 8.2% [1]. There are several reviews addressing the definition, classification, assessment, epidemiology, and co-morbidity of IAD [2-5], and some reviews [6-8] addressing the treatment of IAD. The aim of this paper is to give a preferably brief overview of research on IAD and theoretical considerations from a practical perspective based on years of daily work with clients suffering from Internet addiction. Furthermore, with this paper we intend to bring in practical experience in the debate about the eventual inclusion of IAD in the next version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).Problematic computer use is a growing social issue which is being debated worldwide. Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) ruins lives by causing neurological complications, psychological disturbances, and social problems. Surveys in the United States and Europe have indicated alarming prevalence rates between 1.5 and 8.2% [1]. There are several reviews addressing the definition, classification, assessment, epidemiology, and co-morbidity of IAD [2-5], and some reviews [6-8] addressing the treatment of IAD. The aim of this paper is to give a preferably brief overview of research on IAD and theoretical considerations from a practical perspective based on years of daily work with clients suffering from Internet addiction. Furthermore, with this paper we intend to bring in practical experience in the debate about the eventual inclusion of IAD in the next version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Keywords: Addiction, Computer, Internet, reSTART, Treatment. INTRODUCTION The idea that problematic computer use meets criteria for an addiction, and therefore should be included in the next iteration of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), 4th ed. Text Revision [9] was first proposed by Kimberly Young, PhD in her seminal 1996 paper [10]. Since that time IAD has been extensively studied and is indeed, currently under consideration for inclusion in the DSM-V [11]. Meanwhile, both China and South Korea have identified Internet addiction as a significant public health threat and both countries support education, research and treatment [12]. In the United States, despite a growing body of research, and treatment for the disorder available in out-patient and in-patient settings, there has been no formal governmental response to the issue of Internet addiction. While the debate goes on about whether or not the DSM-V should designate Internet addiction a mental disorder [12-14] people currently suffering from Internet addiction are seeking treatment. Because of our experience we support the development of uniform diagnostic criteria and the inclusion of IAD in the DSM-V [11] in order to advance public education, diagnosis and treatment of this important disorder. CLASSIFICATION There is ongoing debate about how best to classify the behavior which is characterized by many hours spent in non-work technology-related computer/Internet/video game activities [15]. It is accompanied by changes in mood, preoccupation with the Internet and digital media, the inability to control the amount of time spent interfacing with digital technology, the need for more time or a new game to achieve a desired mood, withdrawal symptoms when not engaged, and a continuation of the behavior despite family conflict, a diminishing social life and adverse work or academic consequences [2, 16, 17]. Some researchers and mental health practitioners see excessive Internet use as a symptom of another disorder such as anxiety or depression rather than a separate entity [e.g. 18]. Internet addiction could be considered an Impulse control disorder (not otherwise specified). Yet there is a growing consensus that this constellation of symptoms is an addiction [e.g. 19]. The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) recently released a new definition of addiction as a chronic brain disorder, officially proposing for the first time that addiction is not limited to substance use [20]. All addictions, whether chemical or behavioral, share certain characteristics including salience, compulsive use (loss of control), mood modification and the alleviation of distress, tolerance and withdrawal, and the continuation despite negative consequences. DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR IAD The first serious proposal for diagnostic criteria was advanced in 1996 by Dr. Young, modifying the DSM-IV criteria for pathological gambling [10]. Since then variations in both name and criteria have been put forward to capture the problem, which is now most popularly known as Internet Addiction Disorder. Problematic Internet Use (PIU) [21], computer addiction, Internet dependence [22], compulsive Internet use, pathological Internet use [23], and many other labels can be found in the literature. Likewise a variety of often overlapping criteria have been proposed and studied, some of which have been validated. However, empirical studies provide an inconsistent set of criteria to define Internet addiction [24]. For an overview see Byun et al. [25]. Beard [2] recommends that the following five diagnostic criteria are required for a diagnosis of Internet addiction: (1) Is preoccupied with the Internet (thinks about previous online activity or anticipate next online session); (2) Needs t o use the Internet with increased amounts of time in order to achieve satisfaction; (3) Has made unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop Internet use; (4) Is restless, moody, depressed, or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop Internet use; (5) Has stayed online longer than originally intended. Additionally, at least one of the following must be present: (6) Has jeopardized or risked the loss of a significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of the Internet; (7) Has lied to family members, therapist, or others to conceal the extent of involvement with the Internet; (8) Uses the Internet as a way of escaping from problems or of relieving a dysphoric mood (e.g., feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, depression) [2]. There has been also been a variety of assessment tools used in evaluation. Young’s Internet Addiction Test [16], the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ) developed by Demetrovics, Szeredi, and Pozsa [26] and the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS) [27] are all examples of instruments to assess for this disorder. PREVALENCE The considerable variance of the prevalence rates reported for IAD (between 0.3% and 38%) [28] may be attributable to the fact that diagnostic criteria and assessment questionnaires used for diagnosis vary between countries and studies often use highly selective samples of online surveys [7]. In their review Weinstein and Lejoyeux [1] report that surveys in the United States and Europe have indicated prevalence rates varying between 1.5% and 8.2%. Other reports place the rates between 6% and 18.5% [29]. â€Å"Some obvious differences with respect to the methodologies, cultural factors, outcomes and assessment tools forming the basis for these prevalence rates notwithstanding, the rates we encountered were generally high and sometimes alarming.†[24] ETIOLOGY There are different models available for the development and maintenance of IAD like the cognitive-behavioral model of problematic Internet use [21], the anonymity, convenience and escape (ACE) model [30], the access, affordability, anonymity (Triple-A) engine [31], a phases model of pathological Internet use by Grohol [32], and a comprehensive model of the development and maintenance of Internet addiction by Winkler Dà ¶rsing [24], which takes into account socio-cultural factors (e.g., demographic factors, access to and acceptance of the Internet), biological vulnerabilities (e.g., genetic factors, abnormalities in neurochemical processes), psychological predispositions (e.g., personality characteristics, negative affects), and specific attributes of the Internet to explain â€Å"excessive engagement in Internet activities†[24]. NEUROBIOLOGICAL VULNERABILITIES It is known that addictions activate a combination of sites in the brain associated with pleasure, known together as the â€Å"reward center†or â€Å"pleasure pathway†of the brain [33, 34]. When activated, dopamine release is increased, along with opiates and other neurochemicals. Over time, the associated receptors may be affected, producing tolerance or the need for increasing stimulation of the reward center to produce a â€Å"high†and the subsequent characteristic behavior patterns needed to avoid withdrawal. Internet use may also lead specifically to dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens [35, 36], one of the reward structures of the brain specifically involved in other addictions [20]. An example of the rewarding nature of digital technology use may be captured in the following statement by a 21 year-old male in treatment for IAD: â€Å"I feel technology has brought so much joy into my life. No other activity relaxes me or stimulates me like technolo gy. However, when depression hits, I tend to use technology as a way of retreating and isolating.†REINFORCEMENT/REWARD What is so rewarding about Internet and video game use that it could become an addiction? The theory is that digital technology users experience multiple layers of reward when they use various computer applications. The Internet functions on a variable ratio reinforcement schedule (VRRS), as does gambling [29]. Whatever the application (general surfing, pornography, chat rooms, message boards, social networking sites, video games, email, texting, cloud applications and games, etc.), these activities support unpredictable and variable reward structures. The reward experienced is intensified when combined with mood enhancing/stimulating content. Examples of this would be pornography (sexual stimulation), video games (e.g. various social rewards, identification with a hero, immersive graphics), dating sites (romantic fantasy), online poker (financial) and special interest chat rooms or message boards (sense of belonging) [29, 37]. BIOLOGICAL PREDISPOSITION There is increasing evidence that there can be a genetic predisposition to addictive behaviors [38, 39]. The theory is that individuals with this predisposition do not have an adequate number of dopamine receptors or have an insufficient amount of serotonin/dopamine [2], thereby having difficulty experiencing normal levels of pleasure in activities that most people would find rewarding. To increase pleasure, these individuals are more likely to seek greater than average engagement in behaviors that stimulate an increase in dopamine, effectively giving them more reward but placing them at higher risk for addiction. MENTAL HEALTH VULNERABILITIES Many researchers and clinicians have noted that a variety of mental disorders co-occur with IAD. There is debate about which came first, the addiction or the co-occurring disorder [18, 40]. The study by Dong et al. [40] had at least the potential to clarify this question, reporting that higher scores for depression, anxiety, hostility, interpersonal sensitivity, and psychoticism were consequences of IAD. But due to the limitations of the study further research is necessary. THE TREATMENT OF INTERNET ADDICTION There is a general consensus that total abstinence from the Internet should not be the goal of the interventions and that instead, an abstinence from problematic applications and a controlled and balanced Internet usage should be achieved [6]. The following paragraphs illustrate the various treatment options for IAD that exist today. Unless studies examining the efficacy of the illustrated treatments are not available, findings on the efficacy of the presented treatments are also provided. Unfortunately, most of the treatment studies were of low methodological quality and used an intra-group design. The general lack of treatment studies notwithstanding, there are treatment guidelines reported by clinicians working in the field of IAD. In her book â€Å"Internet Addiction: Symptoms, Evaluation, and Treatment†, Young [41] offers some treatment strategies which are already known from the cognitive-behavioral approach: (a) practice opposite time of Internet use (discover patientâ €™s patterns of Internet use and disrupt these patterns by suggesting new schedules), (b) use external stoppers (real events or activities prompting the patient to log off), (c) set goals (with regard to the amount of time), (d) abstain from a particular application (that the client is unable to control), (e) use reminder cards (cues that remind the patient of the costs of IAD and benefits of breaking it), (f) develop a personal inventory (shows all the activities that the patient used to engage in or can’t find the time due to IAD), (g) enter a support group (compensates for a lack of social support), and (h) engage in family therapy (addresses relational problems in the family) [41]. Unfortunately, clinical evidence for the efficacy of these strategies is not mentioned. Non-psychological Approaches Some authors examine pharmacological interventions for IAD, perhaps due to the fact that clinicians use psychopharmacology to treat IAD despite the lack of treatment studies addressing the efficacy of pharmacological treatments. In particular, selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been used because of the co-morbid psychiatric symptoms of IAD (e.g. depression and anxiety) for which SSRIs have been found to be effective [42-46]. Escitalopram (a SSRI) was used by Dell’Osso et al. [47] to treat 14 subjects with impulsive-compulsive Internet usage disorder. Internet usage decreased significantly from a mean of 36.8 hours/week to a baseline of 16.5 hours/week. In another study Han, Hwang, and Renshaw [48] used bupropion (a non-tricyclic antidepressant) and found a decrease of craving for Internet video game play, total game play time, and cue-induced brain activity in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex after a six week period of bupropion sustained release treatment. Methylphenidate (a psycho stimulant drug) was used by Han et al. [49] to treat 62 Internet video game-playing children diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. After eight weeks of treatment, the YIAS-K scores and Internet usage times were significantly reduced and the authors cautiously suggest that methylphenidate might be evaluated as a potential treatment of IAD. According to a study by Shapira et al. [50], mood stabilizers might also improve the symptoms of IAD. In addition to these studies, there are some case reports of patients treated with escitalopram [45], citalopram (SSRI)- quetiapine (antipsychotic) combination [43] and naltrexone (an opioid receptor antagonist) [51]. A few authors mentioned that physical exercise could compensate the decrease of the dopamine level due to decreased online usage [52]. In addition, sports exercise prescriptions used in the course of cognitive behavioral group therapy may enhance the effect of the intervention for IAD [53]. Psychological Approaches Motivational interviewing (MI) is a client-centered yet directive method for enhancing intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving client ambivalence [54]. It was developed to help individuals give up addictive behaviors and learn new behavioral skills, using techniques such as open-ended questions, reflective listening, affirmation, and summarization to help individuals express their concerns about change [55]. Unfortunately, there are currently no studies addressing the efficacy of MI in treating IAD, but MI seems to be moderately effective in the areas of alcohol, drug addiction, and diet/exercise problems [56]. Peukert et al. [7] suggest that interventions with family members or other relatives like â€Å"Community Reinforcement and Family Training†[57] could be useful in enhancing the motivation of an addict to cut back on Internet use, although the reviewers remark that control studies with relatives do not exist to date. Reality therapy (RT) is supposed t o encourage individuals to choose to improve their lives by committing to change their behavior. It includes sessions to show clients that addiction is a choice and to give them training in time management; it also introduces alternative activities to the problematic behavior [58]. According to Kim [58], RT is a core addiction recovery tool that offers a wide variety of uses as a treatment for addictive disorders such as drugs, sex, food, and works as well for the Internet. In his RT group counseling program treatment study, Kim [59] found that the treatment program effectively reduced addiction level and improved self-esteem of 25 Internet-addicted university students in Korea. Twohig and Crosby [60] used an Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) protocol including several exercises adjusted to better fit the issues with which the sample struggles to treat six adult males suffering from problematic Internet pornography viewing. The treatment resulted in an 85% reduction in viewing at post-treatment with results being maintained at the three month follow-up (83% reduction in viewing pornography). Widyanto and Griffith [8] report that most of the treatments employed so far had utilized a cognitive-behavioral approach. The case for using cognitive-behavioral therap y (CBT) is justified due to the good results in the treatment of other behavioral addictions/impulse-control disorders, such as pathological gambling, compulsive shopping, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating-disorders [61]. Wà ¶lfling [5] described a predominantly behavioral group treatment including identification of sustaining conditions, establishing of intrinsic motivation to reduce the amount of time being online, learning alternative behaviors, engagement in new social real-life contacts, psycho-education and exposure therapy, but unfortunately clinical evidence for the efficacy of these strategies is not mentioned. In her study, Young [62] used CBT to treat 114 clients suffering from IAD and found that participants were better able to manage their presenting problems post-treatment, showing improved motivation to stop abusing the Internet, improved ability to control their computer use, improved ability to function in offline relationships, improved ability to abstain from sexually explicit online material, improved ability to engage in offline activities, and improved ability to achieve sobriety from problematic applications. Cao, Su and Gao [63] investigated the effect of group CBT on 29 middl e school students with IAD and found that IAD scores of the experimental group were lower than of the control group after treatment. The authors also reported improvement in psychological function. Thirty-eight adolescents with IAD were treated with CBT designed particularly for addicted adolescents by Li and Dai [64]. They found that CBT has good effects on the adolescents with IAD (CIAS scores in the therapy group were significant lower than that in the control group). In the experimental group the scores of depression, anxiety, compulsiveness, self-blame, illusion, and retreat were significantly decreased after treatment. Zhu, Jin, and Zhong [65] compared CBT and electro acupuncture (EA) plus CBT assigning forty-seven patients with IAD to one of the two groups respectively. The authors found that CBT alone or combined with EA can significantly reduce the score of IAD and anxiety on a self-rating scale and improve self-conscious health status in patients with IAD, but the effect obtained by the combined therapy was better. Multimodal Treatments A multimodal treatment approach is characterized by the implementation of several different types of treatment in some cases even from different disciplines such as pharmacology, psychotherapy and family counseling simultaneously or sequentially. Orzack and Orzack [66] mentioned that treatments for IAD need to be multidisciplinary including CBT, psychotropic medication, family therapy, and case managers, because of the complexity of these patients’ problems. In their treatment study, Du, Jiang, and Vance [67] found that multimodal school-based group CBT (including parent training, teacher education, and group CBT) was effective for adolescents with IAD (n = 23), particularly in improving emotional state and regulation ability, behavioral and self-management style. The effect of another multimodal intervention consisting of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT), family therapy, and CT was investigated among 52 adolescents with IAD in China. After three months of treatment, the scores on an IAD scale (IAD-DQ), the scores on the SCL-90, and the amount of time spent online decreased significantly [68]. Orzack et al. [69] used a psychoeducational program, which combines psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral theoretical perspectives, using a combination of Readiness to Change (RtC), CBT and MI interventions to treat a group of 35 men involved in problematic Internet-enabled sexual behavior (IESB). In this group treatment, the quality of life increased and the level of depressive symptoms decreased after 16 (weekly) treatment sessions, but the level of problematic Internet use failed to decrease significantly [69]. Internet addiction related symptom scores significantly decreased after a group of 23 middle school students with IAD were treated with Behavioral Therapy (BT) or CT, detoxification treatment, psychosocial rehabilitation, personality modeling and parent training [70]. Therefore, the authors concluded that psychotherapy, in particular CT and BT were effective in treating middle school students with IAD. Shek, Tang, and Lo [71] described a multi-level counseling program designed for young people with IAD based on the responses of 59 clients. Findings of this study suggest this multi-level counseling program (including counseling, MI, family perspective, case work and group work) is promising to help young people with IAD. Internet addiction symptom scores significantly decreased, but the program failed to increase psychological well-being significantly. A six-week group counseling program (including CBT, social competence training, training of self-control strategies and training of communication skills) was shown to be effective on 24 Internet-addicted college students in China [72]. The authors reported that the adapted CIAS-R scores of the experimental group were significantly lower than those of the control group post-treatment. The reSTART Program The authors of this article are currently, or have been, affiliated with the reSTART: Internet Addiction Recovery Program [73] in Fall City, Washington. The reSTART program is an inpatient Internet addiction recovery program which integrates technology detoxification (no technology for 45 to 90 days), drug and alcohol treatment, 12 step work, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), experiential adventure based therapy, Acceptance and Commitment therapy (ACT), brain enhancing interventions, animal assisted therapy, motivational interviewing (MI), mindfulness based relapse prevention (MBRP), Mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR), interpersonal group psychotherapy, individual psychotherapy, individualized treatments for co-occurring disorders, psycho- educational groups (life visioning, addiction education, communication and assertiveness training, social skills, life skills, Life balance plan), aftercare treatments (monitoring of technology use, ongoing psychotherapy and group work), a nd continuing care (outpatient treatment) in an individualized, holistic approach. The first results from an ongoing OQ45.2 [74] study (a self-reported measurement of subjective discomfort, interpersonal relationships and social role performance assessed on a weekly basis) of the short-term impact on 19 adults who complete the 45+ days program showed an improved score after treatment. Seventy-four percent of participants showed significant clinical improvement, 21% of participants showed no reliable change, and 5% deteriorated. The results have to be regarded as preliminary due to the small study sample, the self-report measurement and the lack of a control group. Despite these limitations, there is evidence that the program is responsible for most of the improvements demonstrated. CONCLUSION As can be seen from this brief review, the field of Internet addiction is advancing rapidly even without its official recognition as a separate and distinct behavioral addiction and with continuing disagreement over diagnostic criteria. The ongoing debate whether IAD should be classified as an (behavioral) addiction, an impulse-control disorder or even an obsessive compulsive disorder cannot be satisfactorily resolved in this paper. But the symptoms we observed in clinical practice show a great deal of overlap with the symptoms commonly associated with (behavioral) addictions. Also it remains unclear to this day whether the underlying mechanisms responsible for the addictive behavior are the same in different types of IAD (e.g., online sexual addiction, online gaming, and excessive surfing). From our practical perspective the different shapes of IAD fit in one category, due to various Internet specific commonalities (e.g., anonymity, riskless interaction), commonalities in the underlying behavior (e.g., avoidance, fear, pleasure, entertainment) and overlapping symptoms (e.g., the increased amount of time spent online, preoccupation and other signs of addiction). Nevertheless more research has to be done to substantiate our clinical impression. Despite several methodological limitations, the strength of this work in comparison to other reviews in the international body of literature addressing the definition, classification, assessment, epidemiology, and co-morbidity of IAD [2-5], and to reviews [6-8] addressing the treatment of IAD, is that it connects theoretical considerations with the clinical practice of interdisciplinary mental health experts working for years in the field of Internet addiction. Furthermore, the current work gives a good overview of the current state of research in the field of internet addiction treatment. Despite the limitations stated above this work gives a brief overview of the current state of research on IAD from a practical perspective and can therefore be seen as an important and helpful paper for further research as well as for clinical practice in particular.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
NAFTA Essay -- essays research papers fc
NAFTA Since the beginning of civilization, trade has been an important issue. Christopher Columbus sailed to the Americas in search of a faster and safer trade route to India. We as Americans fought for our independence over trade related issues, such as tariffs and rules on with whom we were allowed to export and import goods. Our people have always fought for the rights and ability to buy and sell what they want at a reasonable price. The North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, is yet another attempt at this. NAFTA was signed on December 17, 1992 and put into effect on January 1, 1994 (SICE). It is a trade agreement between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. This paper will explain all the finer points of the agreement, its affects on our economy, and some predictions to the future. I shall end with my opinion of NAFTA based on what I have learned while researching this paper. To discuss NAFTA with a greater understanding, it is important to realize why the three major governments on the North American continent would want to form a trade alliance. According to the law library at Southern Methodist University â€Å"its purpose was to remove tariff barriers between Canada, the United States and Mexico†(North). Removal of these barriers obviously promotes trade between these countries. It also promotes the buy and selling of goods between these countries by making those goods more easily accessible. Sellers can produce with lower costs and buyer can get the end product cheaper than if the tariffs were included in the price. But NAFTA had much loftier goals then just lowering cost and price. It was established â€Å"with the goal of fostering greater economic growth in Canada, the United States, and Mexico†(John). The ways in which NAFTA planned to create this spark in the economies of three different nations, was outlined in the actual NAFTA agreement text, in Article 102: Objectives. It states that the purpose of the agreement is to: eliminate barriers to trade in, and facilitate the cross-border movement of, goods and services between the territories[†¦], promote conditions of fair competition[†¦], increase substantially investment opportunities [†¦], provide adequate and effective protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights [†¦], create effective procedures for the implementation and application of [NAFTA], [†¦] for the resolution of dispu... ...4. Economic Policy Institute. 03 Apr. 2004. 6.     The John F. Henning Center for International Labor Relations: The North American Free Trade Agreement. 2003. The John F. Henning Center for International Labor Relations. 04 Apr. 2004. 7.     Key Points to Remember. Economic Research: Federal Researve Bank of St. Louis. 02 Apr. 2004. 8.     Mumme, Stephen. â€Å"Nafta and Enviroment†. Foreign Policy In Focus. Volume 4. Number 26 (1999): 9.     Negatives of Trade. Economic Research: Federal Researve Bank of St. Louis. 02 Apr. 2004. 10.     North American Free Trade Agreement. 01 Jul. 2003. SMU Underwood Law Library. 02 Apr. 2004 11.     â€Å"The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): Deepening Economic Integration and resposes to Competition†. Center for North American Studies. Jul. 2003. Texas A&M University. 10 Apr. 2004. 12.     SICE:North American Free Trade Agreement. SICE: Foreign Trade Information System. 06 Apr. 2004. 13.     Qualifying for NAFTA. FedEx. 05 Apr. 2004.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Ehe problem of evil Essay
No matter what you believe, all religions try to prevent evil from happening. Through beliefs of karma, good deeds equal good life and vice versa, or treating others the way you want to be treated the central theme is goodness. Evil is created by people and how we interpret other people’s actions. Not all people believe the same types of things are evil, some find mental disease as a scientific diagnosis others a possession of the devil. Some people define evil as anyone different from their skin, religious belief, or everyday mannerisms. The Holocaust is one major example of evil in action. Hitler thought he was doing a good thing by getting rid of all the Jews and others who were different from him and so did his followers. The rest of the world saw it as pure evil and did everything they could to stop or try to prevent more and more Jews from dying. Many people have different perceptions of evil and its origin. Some question â€Å"If God is all powerful and amazing why would he create evil? Why not just let everyone live in happiness and harmony? †It is hard to answer questions like these because not all people have the same morals or values as other people. Some value separate gods who have different worldly tasks, others one powerful and almighty God creator of heaven and earth, and some who don’t believe in a higher above but still have their own set of rules and morals. From a Christian perspective evil is of the devils work and there are many things in the bible showing what is and isn’t evil. A major topic in today’s society is homosexuality rights such as marriage. In the bible there are many different verses about homosexuality as a bad thing and as a good thing. In the book of Genesis, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are talked about for their wickedness and sin. Eventually God destroys them to prove a point and attempt to get rid of sin. Because many people don’t know how to interpret homosexuality, they throw it into the mix of sin that was in Sodom and Gomorrah. There are many versus in the bible such as â€Å"Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. †1 Corinthians 6:9-10. Some argue that the term homosexual offenders are referring to male prostitution rather than two committed same sex partners. Others believe that Paul wouldn’t have written prostitution twice even though the Bible is full of repetition. Different versus discuss that homosexuality is detestable and actors on this should be put to death. Because people aren’t used to the idea of people being happy with someone who has the same gender, people create these titles and make harmless things seem evil. There are plenty of things that the bible condones as evil however society still does it. Premarital sex, divorce, abortion, cursing, using the Lord’s name in vein are all things that are considered evil and sinful yet they’re part of our daily lives. We create television shows to broadcast teen pregnancy and divorces in the courtroom and part of those shows include cursing, defacing the Lord’s name and thoughts of abortion yet we watch them for our entertainment. MTV created Teen Mom other stations created Divorce Court and so many other things like the Bachelor and Bachelorette all broadcasting and encouraging what’s said to be evil actions in life yet no one bats an eye. However when two people who love one another choose to express themselves and vow to love one another forever that happen to be the same gender people freak out and all of a sudden their religion comes out of hiding. People can’t expect evil not to take place when they encourage the behavior. Evil comes in all forms, shapes and sizes. The questioning of its creation shouldn’t be asked why God did it, but why we view things as evil. Why is it evil for two men or two women to lie in bed together and love one another? It doesn’t harm anyone who isn’t directly involved so why stress over it? The Bible also talks about divorce being evil and sinful in which the punishment is for the woman to be stoned. Why aren’t we stoning people today if the same principle is applied? I believe that we all create our own evil as a way to decipher what we believe isn’t morally correct to create a comfort for ourselves. Not to say that killing someone will ever be justifiable but there are different extremes of evil just as there is good. Unfortunately people don’t know the balance between the two, so they pick the battles that they feel they will win. There are evil things out there in the world such as: murder mass or individual, human trafficking and rape, and all forms of abuse. Those are the things that most people will agree to be unjust evil actions in today’s society. Evil’s definition is associated with pain, harmful, wicked, or injurious. It also speaks of being immoral however everyone’s morals are different. Morals are based on perception and religion and since not everyone believes the same religion or has the same perception, people should be allowed to express their own beliefs within reason.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Explain Kants Ethical theories Essay
Kant’s ethical theory is an absolute and deontological theory. This means that humans are seeking the ultimate end called the supreme good also known as the ‘summon Bonnum’. Kant says that morality is a categorical imperative, this is a duty which must always be obeyed in all possible situations. A categorical imperative is what is needed to find what is right or wrong. Kant argued that to act morally is to do one’s duty, and one’s duty is to obey the moral law. Kant also believe that there was no room for emotion. Kant believe that categorical imperative helps us to know which actions are obligatory and which are forbidden. There are three principles within the categorical imperatives these include Universal law, Treat humans as ends In themselves and Act as if you live in a kingdom of ends. Universal law is putting minority views first. If it is wrong for one person than it is wrong for everyone. An action must not be carried out unless the person believes that the same situation all people would act in the same way. Treat humans as ends in themselves is respecting a person. This means that you can never use human beings for another purpose or to exploit or enslave them, this is because humans are the highest point of creation and demand unique treatment. Act as if you live in a kingdom of ends, this means treat all with respect. Kant believed that all of these helped to create ‘maxims’. A maxim is an absolute moral statement about a universal truth. For example a maxim: Murder is wrong. Therefore it is a universal rule that murdering anyone is wrong. Kant believes that we can only be true moral agents if we are free to make our own decisions. He argues that our freedom to make rational choices is what separates us from animals. He says that is you can do something, you should be able to do something, and if you cannot do something it is unfair to be asked. E.g. it is unfair to ask someone in a wheelchair to run a marathon.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Air Transport And Legislation In Europe Tourism Essay Example
Air Transport And Legislation In Europe Tourism Essay Example Air Transport And Legislation In Europe Tourism Essay Air Transport And Legislation In Europe Tourism Essay Created on August 31st 1933, Airfrance is the chief Gallic air hose company. It serves the chief Gallic airdromes and besides many of foreign finish. Her chief ub is situated has AÂ «A Paris Charles De GaulleA AÂ » . KLM: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is a Dutch air hose company created on October 7th 1919 in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. In 2008, the company is based at Schiphol airdrome in Amsterdam and her fleet flies towards 131 finishs in 65 different states. In 2004, KLM and Air France merged to make the group Air France-KLM, first universe air group functioning 326 finishs accross the universe through of import platforms of correspondence as the Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airdrome or the Schiphol airdrome. KLM is a member of SkyTeam since September, 2004. KLM portions, since June 6th 2005, her trueness plan called Flying Blue with Air France, who is the laminitis of Skyteam. The success of the public offer of exchange on KLM allows the new group, based on the construct AÂ «A a group, two companies, three jobsA AÂ » , to prosecute rapidly its scheme. Three degrees of precedences were released: the chase of the control of the costs for each company, the execution of the synergisms, the development of the SkyTeam confederation with the coincident entranceof KLM, Northwest Airlines and Continental Airlines ( ab initio spouses of KLM ) Alitalia: Alitalia is the chief Italian air hose company, created in 1946. From 2006, the Italian authorities looks for campaigners to get Alitalia For the connexions between Italy and France, the companies operate in joint venture ( as a individual company ) . There are really 582 hebdomadal flights for which merely 30,6 % are assured by Alitalia, In January, 2009, the Italian company has eventually accepted the rigorous conditions of the return over by the Air France KLM group. British Air passages: British Airways is the national air hose company of the United Kingdom. It operates domestic and international flights since its chief hub at the London Heathrow airdrome. British Airways is the 3rd European air hose company after the group Air France-KLM and German Lufthansa. British Airways is a laminitis of Oneworld. The scheme of British Airways is to take a firm stand of a good quality of the service, ( good repute of the First category, World ou Europe nine ) . On November 12th, 2009, the company announces that it will unify with Iberia in 2010. On April 8th, 2010, the amalgamation between the company and Iberia is made functionary. The new group will be called AÂ «A International Airlines GroupA AÂ » . A Air Europa: Air Europa Lineas Aereas, is a Spanish air hose company established in 1986. Previously called Air Espana, it was the first private Spanish company to do scheduled flights. Since September 1st, 2007, Air Europa is an associate member of the SkyTeam confederation. On June 22nd, 2010, Air Europa becomes a full member. It belongs to Globalia Corporacion Empresarial S.A. Lufhtansa: Lufhthansa is the first German national air hose company every bit good as the first European air hose company in riders footings transported in forepart of Air France-KLM. Today, it is considered as a pillar of Star Alliance. Lufthansa holds Lufthansa Cargo and since 2005 Swiss International Air Lines. The company was established in 1926 in Austria following the amalgamation of two German companies: Deutsche Aero Lloyd and Junkers Luftverkehr on January 6th. From 1992 the German State began the denationalization of the company which ended in 1997 when it became wholly private. It s chief hub is the international Francfort Airport. On November 27th, 2008, Lufhthansa creates an Italian subordinate, Lufthansa Italia, to set up on the Italian market. The Alliance Between air hose companyA : The confederations between air hose companies are understandings of cooperation between air hose companies. For basically economic grounds an air hose company operates from a individual base, or from a figure really limited. Airline companies make often bilateral understandings with a local company to farm out or interchange services: cheque in, planes care. With the development of the traffic and the competition between companies, these wanted to further client trueness. The chosen tool is the trueness plan which, to work efficaciously has to let the rider to link a upper limit of finishs. The figure of these confederations may non diminish because the United States and the European governments are worried about the maintaining of the competition. The oldest large confederation still here today was found in 1989, when Northwest Airlines and KLM signed an understanding of flight in sharing of large-scale codification: today these two companies are portion of SkyTeam since the amalgamation of KLM with Air France in 2004. Alliance ObjectiveA : Development of client trueness Generation of the services in the airdrome: private waiting suites, local bureau of representation. Addition of the figure s finishs. Unique cheque in and easy correspondence between flights within the same confederation. Similar service on the whole web. The three chief alliancesA : A Star Alliances Oneworld Skyteam Passengers for twelvemonth 586,6 1000000s 329,8 1000000s 395 1000000s Market portion 29,30 % 18 % 19 % Companies ( non tie in member ) Adria Airways Air Canada Air China Air New Zealand ANA Asiana Airlines Austrian Airlines Bluel BMI Brussels Airlines Continental Croatia Airlines Egyptair LOT Polish Airlines Lufhthansa SAS Singapore Airlines South African Airways Spanair Swiss TAM Linhas Aereas TAP Air Portugal Thai Airways International Turkish Airlines United Airlines Us Airways American Airlines British Airways Iberia Cathay Pacific Finnair Japan Airlines LAN Malev Quantas Royal Jordanian S7 Airlines Aeroflot Aeromexico Airfrance KLM Alitalia China Southern Airlines CSA Czech Airline Delta Korean Air Tarom Air Europa Kenya Airways Vietnam Airlines Network: strong point United statess and Canada Caribbean South Americ West Europe Eastern Europe Middle East Asia Australia New Zealand Pacific Island United statess and Canada Mexico Caribbean Central America West Europe Asia Australia and New Zeland Pacific Island United statess and Canada Mexico Caribbean West Europe Eastern Europe Middle East Asia Network: weak point Mexico ( America West Merger ) Africa ( South African Airways ) Africa Australia and New Zeland B ) Legislation in Europe 1 ) AIR SAFETY Safety of the civil air power: common regulations To protect the air conveyance of individuals and the goods, the European Union established applicable common regulations in all the Union to forestall the Acts of the Apostless of illicit intercession. The regulations is applied to all the airdromes or to the parts of airdromes under the district of a state of the EU. The regulations are non merely applied to the airdrome companies but besides to every administration working in the airdrome. Common basic normsA : The common basic norms of protection of the civil air power concern: the airdrome safety airdromes delimited country the safety of aircrafts the riders and the a piece of hand-luggage the registered luggage The cargo and the mail ; the mail and the equipment of air hose company ; the supply of border and letter paper intended for airdromes ; steps of security in flight the enlisting and the preparation of the staff ; the equipments of safety. Aviation security charges This proposal is to set up a common model modulating the indispensable security charges and their computation in order to guarantee transparence in regard of airdrome users. Requirement for air bearers to pass on rider informations This Directive requires air bearers to roll up and convey to the governments of the Member State of finish responsible for boundary line control, informations on their riders. In instance of non-compliance, they can be fined or, in instance of serious misdemeanor, it would take to forfeiture of the conveyance or remotion of the operating license. These informations are transmitted to those governments for enrollment of riders, they are usually sent electronically to the governments. A comprehensive attack to informations transportation Passenger Name Record ( PNR ) This memoranda establishes a set of general standards for bilateral transportation of PNR informations ( PNR ) between the Union ( EU ) and 3rd states to harmonise processs between transmittal and the commissariats refering informations protection. The European Union ( EU ) has adopted new steps to counter the menace of terrorist act and organized offense presented in the Commission Communication on the direction of information in the country of freedom, security and of justness. These steps include the usage of PNR ( Passenger Name Record, PNR ) * for jurisprudence enforcement intents. PNR informations are progressively used, which raises the inquiry of protection of personal informations PNR The present proposition of determination imposes on air hose companies due to go forth towards the European Union ( EU ) to pass on a set of informations, the informations PNR, with the national inhibitory governments. This transmittal is merely realized in the intent to forestall ( warn ) or to contend ( difference ) the terrorist act and the organized criminalism. Airline companies have to pass on by electronic manner, in specific governments, the Unit of measurements of impermanent information ( URP ) , the informations PNR relation to the international flights. THE URP indicated by each Member province, is a being asked to roll up the informations PNR passed on by these bearers. Once the informations were collected by the URP, this one makes their analysis by continuing to an rating of the hazard which put the riders. This rating is intended to aim, towards the standards established by the national jurisprudence, the individuals susceptible to be the object of a elaborate scrutiny. 2 ) International dimensionA : Member provinces can non move merely in the dialogue of understandings of international air services. These services must be treated now by the community: regulations ( IT ) N 847/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 29th 2004. The understandings opened Sky: The opinions of November fifth 2002 of the European Court of Justice, said opened Sky , are the point of going of a common foreign policy of the air power. Opinions opened Sky acquire three spheres: the reserve systems computerized, the intercommunity monetary value lists and the clip slots. Each of them being wholly governed by a community statute law. This understanding plans a entire gap of the transatlantic connexions to the European and American companies. With the new text, the air hose companies of the Union will can: do flights towards the United States since any European airdrome, and whatever their nationality ( the United States so recognize the European nature of these ) A ; operate without restriction on the figure of flights ( larcenies ) , devices and roads ; put the monetary values harmonizing to the market ; mark understandings of cooperation. The aims of this politic are: the realisation on the skyline 2010 of a common air infinite, which will include the IT and all the spouses situated on its South and east bordersA ; re-form the international civil air power. It exist other understandings between the states of the Union and the USA: they authorize the United States to revoke, to suspend or to restrict the right of air hose companies trafic appointed by the signer States. Montreal Agreement on the duty of air hose companies Montreal Agreement was ratified by the Union what allows to hold a unvarying legal model to regulate the duty of air hose companies in instance of harm caused to the riders, to the baggage and to the goods during international journeys.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Biography of Manfred von Richthofen, The Red Baron
Biography of Manfred von Richthofen, The Red Baron Baron Manfred von Richthofen (May 2, 1892–April 21, 1918), also known as the Red Baron, was only involved in World War Is air war for 18 months- but he shot down 80 planes in that time, an extraordinary feat considering that most fighter pilots achieved a handful of victories before being shot down themselves. Fast Facts: Manfred Albrecht von Richthofen (the Red Baron) Known For: Winning the Blue Max for downing 80 enemy planes in World War I.Born: May 2, 1892, in Kleinburg, Lower Silesia (Poland)Parents: Major Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen and Kunigunde von Schickfuss und Neudorff.Died: April 21, 1918, Somme Valley, France.Education: Wahlstatt Cadet School in Berlin, Senior Cadet Academy at Lichterfelde, Berlin War Academy.Spouse: None.Children: None. World War I was a bloody war, fought in muddy trenches and overwhelmed with slaughter. Yet a few soldiers escaped this anonymous end: fighter pilots. They volunteered to fly when just going up in an airplane seemed heroic, given the odds. Baron Manfred von Richthofen, who liked to fly in a blazing red airplane and shoot down plane after plane. His achievements made him both a hero and a propaganda tool. With 80 credited victories, Baron Manfred von Richthofen, the Red Baron, defied the odds and became a legend in the air. Early Life Manfred Albrecht von Richthofen was born on May 2, 1892, in Kleiburg near Breslau of Lower Silesia (now Poland), the second child and first son of Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen and Kunigunde von Schickfuss und Neudorff. (Freiherr is equivalent to Baron in ENglish). Manfred had had one sister (Ilsa) and two younger brothers (Lothar and Karl Bolko). The Richthofens came from a long line that could be traced back to the sixteenth century. Many in the family raised merino sheep and farmed on their lands in Silesia. In 1896, the family moved to a villa in the nearby town of Schweidnitz. There, his Uncle Alexander, who had hunted in Africa, Asia, and Europe, fired in Manfred a passion for hunting. Even before Manfred was born, Albrecht von Richthofen had decided that his first son would follow in his footsteps and join the military. Albrecht himself had become one of the first Richthofens to become a career military officer. Unfortunately, a daring rescue to save several other soldiers who had fallen into the icy Oder River had left Albrecht deaf and with an early retirement. Manfred did follow in his fathers footsteps. At age eleven, Manfred entered the Wahlstatt cadet school in Berlin. Though he disliked the schools rigid discipline and received poor grades, Manfred excelled at athletics and gymnastics. After six years at Wahlstatt, Manfred graduated to the Senior Cadet Academy at Lichterfelde which he found more likable. After completing a course at the Berlin War Academy, Manfred joined the cavalry. In 1912, Manfred, after having been commissioned as Leutnant (lieutenant), was stationed in Militsch (now Milicz, Poland). In the summer of 1914, World War I began. To the Air When the war began, Manfred von Richthofen was 22 years old and stationed on Germanys eastern border, but was soon transferred to the west. During the charge into Belgium and France, Manfreds cavalry regiment was attached to the infantry for whom Manfred conducted reconnaissance patrols. However, when Germanys advance was halted outside of Paris and both sides dug in, the need for cavalry was eliminated. A man sitting on horseback had no place in the trenches. Manfred was transferred to the Signal Corps where he laid telephone wire and delivered dispatches. Frustrated with life near the trenches, Richthofen looked up. Though he didnt know which planes fought for Germany and which ones fought for their enemies, he knew that airplanes - and not the cavalry - now flew the reconnaissance missions. Yet becoming a pilot took months of training, probably longer than the war would last. So instead of flight school, Richthofen requested to be transferred to the Air Service to become an observer. In May 1915, Richthofen traveled to Cologne for the observer training program at the No. 7 Air Replacement Station. Even though Richthofen didnt have to fly the airplane, he still had to go up in one. Richthofen Gets Airborne At seven oclock the next morning I was to fly for the first time as an observer. Naturally, I was very excited, because I could not imagine what it would be like. Everyone I asked told me something different. The night before I had gone to bed earlier than usual to be fresh for the great moment next morning. We drove to the airfield and I sat in an airplane for the first time. The blast of wind from the propeller disturbed me greatly. It was impossible to make myself heard by the pilot. Everything flew away from me. If I took a piece of paper out, it disappeared. My flying helmet slipped off, my muffler loosened too much, and my jacket was not buttoned securely - in short, I was miserable. Before I knew what was happening, the pilot got the engine up to full speed and the machine began rolling, faster and faster. I hung on frantically. Then the shaking stopped and we were in the air. The ground slipped away beneath us. During this first flight, Richthofen lost the sense of his location and thus was unable to give the pilot directions. So they landed. Richthofen continued to study and learn. He was taught how to read a map, drop bombs, locate enemy troops, and draw pictures while still in the air. Richthofen passed observer training and was then sent to the eastern front to report enemy troop movements. After several months of flying as an observer in the East, Manfred was told to report to the Mail Pigeon Detachment, the code name for a new, secret unit that was to bomb England. Richthofen had his first air fight on September 1, 1915. He went up with pilot Lieutenant Georg Zeumer, and for the first time, spotted an enemy aircraft in the air. Richthofen had only a rifle with him and though he tried several times to hit the other plane, he failed to bring it down. A few days later, Richthofen went up again, this time with pilot Lieutenant Osteroth. Armed with a machine gun, Richthofen fired at the enemy plane. Then the gun became jammed. Once Richthofen unjammed the gun, he fired again. The plane started to spiral and eventually crashed. Richthofen was elated. However, when he went back to headquarters to report his victory, he was informed that kills in enemy lines did not count. Meeting His Hero On October 1, 1915, Richthofen was on board a train heading for Metz. After entering the dining car, he found an empty seat, sat down, and then noticed a familiar face at another table. Richthofen introduced himself and found that he was talking to the famous fighter pilot Lieutenant Oswald Boelcke. Frustrated at his own failed attempts to shoot down another plane, Richthofen asked Boelcke, Tell me honestly, how do you really do it? Boelcke laughed and then replied, Good heavens, it indeed is quite simple. I fly in as close as I can, take good aim, shoot, and then he falls down.2 Though Boelcke hadnt given Richthofen the answer he had hoped for, a seed of an idea was planted. Richthofen realized that the new, single seated Fokker fighter (Eindecker) - the one that Boelcke flew - was much easier to shoot from. However, he would need to be a pilot to ride and shoot from one of those. Richthofen then decided he would learn to work the stick himself.3 Richthofen asked his friend Zeumer to teach him to fly. After many lessons, Zeumer decided Richthofen was ready for his first solo flight on October 10, 1915. Richthofens First Solo Flight There are few moments in life that produce as nervous a sensation as the first solo flight. Zeumer, my teacher, announced to me one afternoon: You are ready to fly alone. I must say that I would rather have answered: I am too afraid. But this could never come from a defender of the fatherland. Therefore, good or bad, I had to swallow my cowardice and sit in the machine. . . . The engine started with a roar. I gave it the gas and the machine began to pick up speed, and suddenly I could not help but notice that I was really flying. Suddenly it was no longer an anxious feeling, but, rather, one of daring. Now it was all up to me. No matter what happened, I was no longer frightened. Richthofen, after much determination and perseverance, finally passed all three of the fighter pilot examinations. On December 25, 1915, he was awarded his pilots certificate. Richthofen spent the next several weeks with the 2nd Fighting Squadron near Verdun. Though Richthofen saw several enemy planes and even shot one down, he wasnt credited with any kills because the plane went down in enemy territory with no witnesses. The 2nd Fighting Squadron was then sent to the East to drop bombs on the Russian front. Collecting Two-Inch Silver Trophies On a return trip from Turkey in August 1916, Oswald Boelcke stopped to visit with his brother Wilhelm, Richthofens commander. Besides a brotherly visit, Boelcke was scouting for pilots that had talent. After discussing the search with his brother, Boelcke invited Richthofen and one other pilot to join his new group called Jagdstaffel 2 (hunting squadron) in Lagnicourt, France. Jagdstaffel 2 Suddenly in the early morning there was a knock at the door and before me stood the great man with the Pour le Mà ©rite. I really did not know what he wanted of me. To be sure, I knew him . . . but it did not occur to me that he had sought me out to invite me to become a pupil of his. I could have hugged him when he asked whether I wanted to go to the Somme with him. By September 8, 1916, Richthofen and the other pilots that had been invited to join Boelckes Jagdstaffel 2 (often abbreviated to Jasta) had arrived in Lagnicourt. Boelcke then taught them all he had learned about fighting in the air. On September 17, it was Richthofens first chance to fly a combat patrol in a squadron led by Boelcke. On Combat Patrol We were all beginners; none of us had previously been credited with a success. Whatever Boelcke told us was taken as gospel. We knew that in the last few days he had shot down at least one Englishman a day, and many times two every morning. . . . We approached the enemy squadron slowly, but it could no longer escape us. We were between the Front and the enemy. If he wanted to go back, he would have to go by us. We counted seven enemy airplanes, and opposed them with only five. . . . The Englishman near me was a big, dark-colored barge. I did not ponder long and took aim at him. He shot and I shot, but we both missed. The fight then began. I tried to get behind him because I could only shoot in the direction I was flying. This was not necessary for him, as his observers rotating machine gun could reach all sides. But this fellow was no beginner, for he knew very well that the moment I succeeded in getting behind him, his last hour would be sounded. At the time I did not have the convi ction I have now that he must fall, but, rather, I was much more anxious to see if he would fall, and that is a significant difference. . . .Then, suddenly, his propeller turned no more. Hit! The engine was probably shot to pieces, and he would have to land near our lines. Reaching his own positions was out of the question. I noticed the machine swaying from side to side; something was not quite right with the pilot. Also, the observer was not to be seen, his machine gun pointed unattended up in the air. I had no doubt hit him also, and he must have been lying on the floor of the fuselage. The enemy airplane landed in German territory and Richthofen, extremely excited about his first kill, landed his airplane next to his enemys. The observer, Lieutenant T. Rees, was already dead and the pilot, L. B. F. Morris died on the way to the hospital. It was Richthofens first credited victory. It had become customary to present engraved beer mugs to pilots after their first kill. This gave Richthofen an idea. To celebrate each of his victories, he would order himself a two-inch-high silver trophy from a jeweler in Berlin. On his first cup was engraved, 1 VICKERS 2 17.9.16. The first number reflected what number kill; the word represented what kind of airplane; the third item represented the number of crew on board; and the fourth was the date of the victory (day, month, year). Later, Richthofen decided to make every tenth victory cup twice as large as the others. As with many pilots, to remember his kills, Richthofen became an avid souvenir collector. After shooting down an enemy aircraft, Richthofen would land near it or drive to find the wreckage after the battle and take something from the plane. A few of his souvenirs included a machine gun, bits of the propeller, even an engine. But most popularly, Richthofen removed the fabric serial numbers from the aircraft. He would carefully pack these souvenirs up and send them home to be placed in his room. In the beginning, each new kill held a thrill. Later in the war, however, Richthofens number of kills had a sobering effect. When it was time to order his 61st silver trophy, the jeweler in Berlin informed him that because of the scarcity of metal, he would have to make it out of ersatz (substitute) metal. At that time, Richthofen decided to end his trophy collecting. His last trophy was for his 60th victory. An End to Trophy Collecting On October 28, 1916, Boelcke, Richthofens mentor, went into the air as he had on most other days. However, during an aerial battle, a horrible accident occurred. While trying to evade an enemy, Boelcke and Lieutenant Erwin Bà ¶hmes plane grazed each other. Though it was only a touch, Boelckes plane was damaged. While his plane was rushing toward the ground, Boelcke tried to keep control. Then one of his wings snapped off. Boelcke was killed on impact. The news that this famous flyer had died affected the morale of Germany. Boelcke had been their hero and now he was gone. Germany was saddened but wanted a new hero. Richthofen continued to make kills, making his seventh and eighth kill in early November. After his ninth kill, Richthofen expected to receive Germanys highest award for bravery, the Pour le Mà ©rite. Unfortunately, the criteria had recently changed, and instead of nine downed enemy aircraft, a fighter pilot would receive the honor after sixteen victories. Richthofens continued kills were drawing attention to him. Though he was now considered a flying ace, he was still among several who had comparable kill records. Richthofen wanted to distinguish himself. Though several other flyers had painted different sections of their planes special colors, Richthofen noticed that it was difficult to see these during a battle. To get noticed, from the ground and from the air, Richthofen decided to paint his plane bright red. Ever since Boelcke had painted the nose of his plane red, the color had been associated with his squadron. However, no one had yet been so ostentatious as to paint their entire plane such a bright color. The Color Red One day, for no particular reason, I got the idea to paint my crate glaring red. After that, absolutely everyone knew my red bird. If fact, even my opponents were not completely unaware. Richthofen understated the colors effect on his enemies. To many, the bright red plane seemed to make a good target. It was rumored that the British had put a price on the head of the red planes pilot. Yet when the plane and pilot continued to shoot down airplanes and continued itself to stay in the air, the bright red plane caused respect and fear. The enemy created nicknames for Richthofen: Le Petit Rouge, the Red Devil, the Red Falcon, Le Diable Rouge, the Jolly Red Baron, the Bloody Baron, and the Red Baron. However, the Germans never called Richthofen the Red Baron; instead, they called him der rà ¶te Kampfflieger (The Red Battle Flier). Though Richthofen had become a great hunter on the ground, he was constantly perfecting his game in the air. After achieving sixteen victories, Richthofen was awarded the Pour le Mà ©rite on January 12, 1917. Two days later, Richthofen was given command of Jagdstaffel 11. Now he was not only to fly and fight but to train others to do so. The Flying Circus April 1917 was Bloody April. After several months of rain and cold, the weather changed and pilots from both sides again went up into the air. The Germans had the advantage in both location and aircraft; the British had the disadvantage and lost many, many men. In April, Richthofen shot down 21 enemy aircraft bringing his total up to 52. He had finally broken Boelckes record (40 victories), making Richthofen the new ace of aces. Richthofen was a hero. Postcards were printed with his image and stories of his prowess abounded. Yet heroes in war dont necessarily last long. Any day, the hero might not come home. The war planners wanted to protect the German hero; thus ordered rest for Richthofen. Leaving his brother Lothar in charge of Jasta 11 (Lothar had also proven himself a great fighter pilot), Richthofen left May 1, 1917, to visit Kaiser Wilhelm II. He talked to many of the top generals, spoke to youth groups, and socialized with others. Though he was a hero and received a heros welcome, Richthofen just wanted to spend time at home. On May 19, 1917, he was again home. During this time off, the war planners and propagandists had asked Richthofen to write his memoirs, later published as Der rote Kampfflieger (The Red Battle-Flyer). By mid-June, Richthofen was back with Jasta 11. The structure of the air squadrons changed in June 1917. On June 24, 1917, it was announced that Jastas 4, 6, 10, and 11 were to join together into a large formation called Jagdgeschwader I (Fighter Wing 1) and Richthofen was to be the commander. J.G. 1 came to be known as The Flying Circus. Things were going magnificently for Richthofen until a serious accident in early July. While attacking several pusher planes, Richthofen was shot. Richthofen Is Shot Suddenly there was a blow to my head! I was hit! For a moment I was completely paralized [sic] . . . My hands dropped to the side, my legs dangled inside the fuselage. The worst part was that the blow on the head had affected my optic nerve and I was completely blinded. The machine dived down.8 Richthofen regained part of his eyesight around 2600 feet (800 meters). Though he was able to land his plane, Richthofen had a bullet wound in the head. The wound kept Richthofen away from the front until mid-August and left him with frequent severe headaches. Last Flight As the war progressed, Germanys fate looked bleaker. Richthofen, who had been an energetic fighter pilot early in the war, was becoming increasingly distressed about death and battle. By April 1918, Richthofen, the Red Baron, had long ago proven himself a hero. He had far surpassed Boelckes record for he was nearing his 80th victory. He still had headaches from his wound that bothered him greatly. Though he had grown sullen and slightly depressed, Richthofen still refused his superiors requests for him to retire. On April 21, 1918, the day after he had shot down his 80th enemy aircraft, Manfred von Richthofen climbed into his bright red airplane. Around 10:30 a.m., there had been a telephoned report that several British aircraft were near the front and Richthofen was taking a group up to confront them. The Germans spotted the British planes and a battle ensued. Richthofen noticed a single airplane bolt out of the melee. Richthofen followed him. Inside the British plane sat Canadian Second Lieutenant Wilfred (Wop) May. This was Mays first combat flight and his superior, Canadian Captain Arthur R. Brown, who was also an old friend, ordered him to watch but not participate in the fight. May had followed orders for a little while but then joined in the ruckus. After his guns jammed, May tried to make a dash home. To Richthofen, May looked like an easy kill so he followed him. Captain Brown noticed a bright red plane follow his friend May; Brown decided to break away from the battle and try to help his old friend. May had by now noticed he was being followed and was frightened. He was flying over his own territory but couldnt shake the German fighter. May flew close to the ground, skimming over the trees, then over the Morlancourt Ridge. Richthofen anticipated the move and swung around to cut May off. Death of the Red Baron Brown had now caught up and started firing at Richthofen. And as they passed over the ridge, numerous Australian ground troops fired up at the German plane. Richthofen was hit. Everyone watched as the bright red plane crashed. Once the soldiers who first reached the downed plane realized who its pilot was, they ravaged the plane, taking pieces as souvenirs. Not much was left when others came to determine exactly what happened to the plane and its famous pilot. It was determined that a single bullet had entered through the right side of Richthofens back and exited about two inches higher from his left chest. The bullet killed him instantly. He was 25 years old. There is still a controversy over who was responsible for bringing down the great Red Baron. Was it Captain Brown or was it one of the Australian ground troops? The question may never be fully answered. Baron Manfred von Richthofen, the Red Baron, was credited with bringing down 80 enemy aircraft. His prowess in the air made him a hero during World War I and a twentieth-century legend. Sources Burrows, William E. Richthofen: A True History of the Red Baron. New York: Harcourt, Brace World, Inc., 1969.Kilduff, Peter. Richthofen: Beyond the Legend of the Red Baron. New York: John Wiley Sons, Inc., 1993.Richthofen, Manfred Freiherr von. The Red Baron. Trans. Peter Kilduff. New York: Doubleday Company, 1969.
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