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Rationale and Correct Answer Essay The most immediate approach to accumulate target data about kids is to watch them over the span of the...

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sympathetic Essays - Autonomic Nervous System,

Sympathetic Divisions The autonomic nervous system is made up of two divisions. There are many differences between these divisions. First of all there are anatomical and physiological differences. The parasympathetic division of the autonomic system origin is in the craniosacral outflow, the brain stem nuclei of cranial nerves III, VII, IX, and X; and spinal cord segments S2-S4. The sympathetic division on the other hand is much more complex than the parasympathetic and is originated in the thoracolumbar outflow. Also, in the lateral horn of gray matter of the spinal cord segments of thoracic 1 to lumbar 2. Another important physiological difference is the location of ganglia in each division. Ganglia of the parasympathetic division are in intramural or close to the visceral organ served. The sympathetic ganglia are located with in a few centimeters of the central nervous system. They are also alongside the vertebral column and anterior to the vertebral column. The relative length of preganglionic and postganglionic fibers in the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions is as such. The parasympathetic have long preganglionic and short postganglionic. The sympathetic are just the opposite, short preganglionic and long postganglionic. There is no rami communication in the parasympathetic division, while the sympathetic division has gray and white rami communication. The functional goal of the parasympathetic division is maintenance functions, to conserve and store energy. The sympathetic division's goal is to provide the body to cope with emergencies and intense muscular activity. There are many effects of the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions on various organs. The constricting of muscles and eye pupils stimulates the iris of the eye by the parasympathetic system. The sympathetic effects are the stimualtes of dilator muscles and dilate the eye pupils. The parasympathetic effects of the cilliary muscle of the eye are to stimulate muscles, which result in the bulging of the lens for accommodation and close vision. There are no effects for the sympathetic division. The nasal lacrimal, salivary, gastric, and pancreas glands are effected by the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems. The parasympathetic division stimulates secretory activity, where the sympathetic division inhibits secretory activity and causes vasoconstruction of blood vessels supplying the glands. There is no parasympathetic effect on sweat galnds, the adrenal medulla, or the arrector pili muscles. There are sympathetic effects though. The glands are inhibited by secretory activity causing vasoconstruction of blood vessels supplying the glands. The sweat glands are stimulated copious sweating. The arrector pili muscles are stimulated to contract and produce goosebumps. The parasympathetic division decreases the rate of the heart and slows it down. The sympathetic division increases the rate and force of the heart. The bladder in both divisions is opposite once again. In the parasympathetic of the bladder, the contraction of smooth muscle and the relaxation in the sympathetic division. The parasympathetic constricts for the bronchioles of the lungs, where the bronchioles are dilated in the sympathetic. The liver's sympathetic effect is in epinephrine stimulus of the liver to release glucose to the blood. There is no parasympathetic effect of the liver. In the parasympathetic division the gallbladder contracts to expel bile. In the sympathetic division the gallbladder is relaxed. The parasympathetic division causes the penis and vagina to vasodilateor erect. The sympathetic division causes the penis to ejaculate and the vagina to contract. There is little or no effect of the blood vessels in the parasympathetic division. The sympathetic division constricts most vessels and increases the blood pressure. It also constricts vessels of abdominal viscera and skin to divert blood to muscles, brain, and heart when necessary. The cellular metabolism of the sympathetic division is to increase coagulation. Sympathetic effects; adipose tissue by lipolysis, and mental activity by increasing one's alertness. I found the assignment a little different then most papers I have written do to one fact. I found that I could not put what the book said into my own words. I don't have a wide anatomical vocabulary, so I found that I had to copy a lot of what the book said. I am sure this is similar to some students in the class.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

buy custom Situational Leadership Theory essay

buy custom Situational Leadership Theory essay Effective management is a comprehensive system of measures and techniques, which help the company to survive in the contemporary business world. Leaders strive to have a unique set of skills, tools, and behavioral patterns, which can help the company gain success and continue its development. Obviously, the company always keeps looking for the best solution to the problems faced on the way towards success. In fact, it becomes difficult to accommodate to the environment in contemporary conditions of competition. In order to find a solution to the changeable nature of the companys performance, it is important to apply traditional approach along with a mixture of modern concepts. Situational leadership theories touch the roots of management, which helps companies to deliver high-quality services and products due to effective adherence to the conditions of every situation. The research proves that situational leadership theories formulate the basement, which should become a guide towards success for every manager. Situational leadership is a key aspect in the performance of any company. It is an aspect, which builds an effective management system according to the changeable environment. It enhances the companys ability to accommodate to any situation and apply appropriate system of measures, which will be effective regulators in terms of the changeable environment. It is necessary to learn the details of every situation in order to take a decision, which will help the company solve the problem (Kiechel, 2012). Situations change, and it means that the company needs to apply a new model and regulate leadership styles, which will enhance teamwork and bring the performance to the new level of development. It is necessary to take into consideration conditions of every situation and explore situational leadership styles and their details. As a result, the company gains a flexible system of measures allowing accommodating to the situation and applying the most appropriate set of techniques. In genera l, situational leadership considers that the company can effectively perform in case ofcrisis. Finally, this concept means that the top-management successfully implements the idea of accommodation to the changeable environment. Regardless of the sources of changes, it is necessary to regulate the performance in the internal environment of the company (Quinn Cameron, 1983). Situational leadership not only means that it is necessary during a crisis, implementation of the new policy or any other changes with a direct influence on the performance. There are three main theories of situational leadership: Fiedlers contingency theory, Hersey-Blanchards situational model and Houses path-goal theory. Every company can choose its leadership style, which will help to avoid chaotic decision-making without reasonable arguments. There is no place for panic and pointless decisions, which may harm the companys sustainability (Leidner Elam, 1994). Therefore, it is necessary to choose appropriate theory, which will fit the companys mission, vision, values and nature of performance. Fiedlers contingency theory means that there is no success pattern of effective leadership style. This theory states that every situation requires a leader to apply a different approach towards regulation of any process. The theory claims that one approach can be effective in one situation, but it will be enough effective in another. Fiedler outlined three main elements, which contribute to the outstanding situational control of the leader. According to this theory, a leader should have a detailed task structure, establish reliable relations with subordinates, and have a positioning power. One of the strengths of Fiedlers theory is that it may be easy for a manager to alter conditions of every situation. One of the weaknesses of the theory is that it may become a challenge to change the leadership style according to the long-term of changing the main factors of the theory. Obviously, it is hard to apply the most appropriate leadership style in case of the least favorable situation be cause of the poor factors. Anotheer theory is Hersey-Blanchards situational model takes into account task and relationship behavior a leader should have to produce effective results. Task behavior considers that an effective leader explains to its employees details of the task regarding what to do, how to do, where to do and how long it should take. It means that employees should receive enough instructions from the leader according to the situation. Relationship behavior is another pattern, which considers that a leader uses multiple communications in order to both gather information about situation and regulate it according to the conditions. The pattern means that an effective leader listens to its employees, supports them and provides them with all necessary resources. Maturity is also another element of the theory. It means that a leader is responsible for his/her actions. As long as maturity level is appropriate for the establishment of the leadership style, a leader can apply his/her strategy according to the following styles. Telling, selling, participating, and delegating are the four main leadership styles in this theory. Telling considers that a leader provides clear instructions and specific information to every employee regarding the situation. Selling means that a leader uses a two-way communication approach in order to encourage employees and motivate them to accomplish the task according to the situation. Participating is another style, which means that a leader listens to its employees and takes their points of view in order to take the decision. Finally, delegating means that leaders followers are ready and responsible for taking action (Plunkett, Allen Attner, 2013). The strength of this theory is that it provides one with the diversity of leadership styles. It helps to find the most appropriate leadership style according to the situation and circumstances. The main weakness of this theory is that it takes too long to establish an effective approach towards leadership . It can take much time before the establishment of the most appropriate measures. For this reason, leaders should have enough information before considering one particular theory. Buy custom Situational Leadership Theory essay