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Logic and Correct Answer Essay Example
Rationale and Correct Answer Essay The most immediate approach to accumulate target data about kids is to watch them over the span of the...
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Reasons for choosing Christie's Education, your Personal Statement
Reasons for choosing Christie's Education, your qualification,goals,and practical experience in the arts or auction world - Personal Statement Example This includes but is not limited to visiting museums, galleries, auction houses and out of the way venues that local patrons guide me to. I view art is the source of beauty in my own life. Art for me is not a mere vision. It is not a gratuitous answer to an invitation. Rather, it is a feeling or a reaction. It is personal and can only be shared with those that have the same keen understanding of it that I do. It is the ability to embrace someone else’s interpretation and yet know that you feel at peace only with your own. It comes in so many different forms. For example, I enjoy all types of dance, from the traditional, to folk to ritualistic expression. What elevates my ability to view and interpret art is that I do not need to find the artistic expression in whatever it is I am viewing, it shows itself to me. It is like a beacon in the night guiding me and I am compelled to respond. Indeed, I find myself employing art as a my special form of communication. Art plays a large role in the expresion of my inner thoughts and in acknowledging the beauty in my life. From dance to music to abstract art our concept of life is shown through the various ways in which we interpret it. Art has always allowed me to be as specific or as abstract as I wish. I also employ art as my own form of communication. I may not be able to express to a loved one verbally how I feel at the moment, but I do so through expressions of art. I don’t know why this is so, all I know is that art is my comfort zone. Art has taught me how to communicate through creative expression. It has taught me how to undestand human experience including the past and present. As for my own personal interests, music, opera singing, dancing, poetry and sketching are just a few of the different forms of art that I personally employ to express myself and apply my
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Statement of Needs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Statement of Needs - Essay Example Stagman et al. (2011) argues that â€Å"the use of alcohol and illicit substances by youth often leads to adverse health outcomes. According to the Office of Adolescent Health, the case of substance abuse among adolescents has risen exponentially within the last decade. In the state of Illinois alone, the number of cases of cocaine use among high school students, from grades 9 to 12 is equal to the national percentage of 3%. Also, the rate of high school students in Illinois who are indulging in the use of inhalants is at 10%, just a per cent lower than the national average (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). In Illinois, the support for substance abuse victims is often deficient and stationary as most are funded by private organizations and are also expensive, and that is on top of the fact that adolescents who are victims of substance abuse are not aware that they can get rid of drug and alcohol addiction. Furthermore, Stagman et al. observes that one factor that really challenges the reduction of substance abuse among adolescents is government fund because the delivery of care cannot be carried out without appropriate funding (Homer et al., 2008). In a mission to make a difference in the lives of many people suffering from the effects of substance abuse, the Gateway Foundation Alcohol and Drug Treatment is dedicated to the task of promoting awareness to adolescents about the adverse effects of substance abuse and restoring the physical, psychological, and cognitive health of the patients. The main concern of the organization is how to reduce substance abuse among adolescents in the State of Illinois by initiating public awareness campaigns that target adults and adolescents. Most of the substance abuse victims are those who have not gone in school or who are out-of-school youths. Due to lack of guidance and ultimate freedom to choose, they are often led to wrong directions. One
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Simply Recipes Business Plan The App Marketing Essay
Simply Recipes Business Plan The App Marketing Essay Simply Recipes app is the next step in food recipe apps, and unlike anything currently on the market today. The goal of this app is to save users money while at the same time reducing food wastage and getting its users eating healthier. Its an easy and straight forward app that anyone can use and enjoy. One of the unique selling points of this app is the ability to select what items you have left in your fridge and the app will come up with recipes that will use as many of those ingredients up as possible. So if all you have left in your fridge is say an avocado, some goats cheese and beef, it will find recipes encompassing as many of these ingredients as possible. The healthy aspect comes in when browsing recipes that will contain nutritional information on how healthy the recipe is. If you are still in need of some ingredients it will create a shopping basket automatically for your desired ingredients and show the user deals and offers for the required ingredients at several supermarkets. This would allow the user to go to a store nearby to pick up your order or have it home delivered. As not all the items your want would be part of a recipe, or you may want to add something to the dish, the app would also gives the user an option to purchase any other items they require from the chosen supermarket sells. Mission Simply Recipes is looking to become the next kitchen essential, and the next stage in how people find out and access recipes. The mission is not only to have a simple to use app but to have a vast amount of choice available to its consumers. We want a fair profit for the owners and supermarket chains who sign up, while having a rewarding place for the employees to work. While at the same time being green and helping people reduce wastage and save money. Objectives Simply Recipes objectives for the first 5 years of operation include: Expanding into new customer segments. Introducing new celebrity chefs to the application. Keeping Employee Costs below 25% of revenue. To maintain a profit. Help People maintain a healthier lifestyle. Keys To Success The creation of a unique and innovative recipe app with many unique features, that differentiate us from the competition. Simple and easy to use app. Many discounts and offers to our customers. Large Amount of Monthly Active Users. To get several of the large supermarkets signed up to Simply Recipes. Several Celebrity Chefs signed up to Simply Recipes. Controlling Costs at all times without exception. Key Partners The first key partners we expect to obtain would be the companies that manage and maintain the app stores for the mobile operating system such as Google and Apple. These partners would give Simply Recipes a simple and effective method of distributing the app to potential customers. These partners would also give a simple and effective method of collecting users subscription fees, explained in more detail in the revenue section. Other key partners would include supermarket chains such as Tesco, Asda and Sainsburys, as this is where the users of the app would be purchasing their ingredients from. Having a close connection with these partners will help provide our customers with the greatest possible selection of ingredients and offers. While at the same time we will be able to provide the supermarket chains a better understanding of what its customers require. Key Activities Simply recipes will keep a keen eye on the maintenance and future development of the app. We will make sure it continues to function correctly and remains bug free. This will ensure its users have the best possible experience while using the application. As users will have the ability to upload their own content, we would like to have these recipes to have the recipes displaying their nutritional information such as how much fat, salt, etc is in the meal. The users of the app may be unaware of this information. So Simply Recipes plans on updating and maintaining this information for its users. We would also like to reward our customers who use the app regularly by uploading their own content and use it to purchase their weekly shop. To do this we will need to continually be looking for potential offers for our customers, whether they be free subscription to the app, restaurant/ supermarket vouchers etc. Key Resources To maintain Simply Recipes we will need a few key resources. One of these is computers to maintain and update the application. To distribute the app through the various application stores an internet connection will also be required. We currently have one member of our team who is technically minded so will be in charge of the development and maintenance of the application. We currently have three members of our team who are incredibly knowledgeable about the nutritional information in food. But as the application expands and more users upload their content they may not be able to handle the volumes so other nutritionists will need to be recruited. Value Propositions What are we selling? For the app user we would be offering them a vast amount of high quality recipes, and a highly discounted rate to those found in a recipe book. While at the same point having many unique features not currently found in current mobile recipe apps, such as the ability to enter several ingredients and the app will bring up recipes using as many of those ingredients as possible. Reducing wastage and saving the user money in the process. Another feature that you wont find in any other recipe app, is that if the user likes a recipe they can add the required ingredients in the recipe straight to a shopping basket. For the supermarket, we will be offering a large amount on active monthly users, enthusiastic cooks who are looking to cook something new. By giving supermarkets a chance to get closer to their customers they will receive a better understanding of what customers are buying and what items, if any, they should begin to stock. It will also give supermarkets a easy and cheap way to advertise what food and drink they currently have on offer. Finances Revenue Revenue will be created in several ways. The first method will be by charging the users a small subscription fee of around  £0.79. The reason why this price will be introduced at this rate as in our market research it has shown what people would be willing to pay for such a service, shown in Figure [1]. Figure [1] Subscription Price The majority of our revenue will come from the supermarkets. By allowing users to purchase the ingredients they require directly from supermarkets we would ask the supermarkets for a small cut of the profits they make from the transaction. In 2012 Tescos PLC was operating on a 6.1% profit margin [7], meaning a family of 4 spending  £100 a week on food Tesco would see  £6.10 of that. We would be asking Tescos for a 10% cut on their profit they receive through the app, resulting in Simply Recipes receiving around  £0.61. If we manage to achieve the 10,000 active monthly users at the beginning of the first year that could bring in revenue of up to  £317,200 from the supermarkets alone. We are looking at the end of year 5 to have around 60,000 monthly active users with around 70,000 that use the app for special occasions. This projection would bring in revenue of anywhere up to  £1,305,400. For users wishing to purchase a subscription to the app many of the Mobile operating systems allow users to purchase this through the operating systems designated application store. Then the company in charge of the app store pays the developer at the end or beginning of each month taking a cut of around 30% [2]. So for a  £0.79 subscription fee per user Simply Recipes would receive  £0.553 per month per user. This is a good way of collecting users fees as it can make users feel more comfortable with the transaction, as many people feel uncomfortable giving their card details to new websites/ Apps they are unfamiliar with. For users purchasing their shopping the users can purchase this in App, using either a debit or credit card. This purchase will be forwarded initially onto the supermarket with them returning the 10% of their profit to Simply Recipes. Below is a short breakdown of the where the revenue we plan on generating comes from: Revenue Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Investment 50000 0 0 0 0 Supermarkets 152500 228750 305000 457500 915000 Subscription 18960 3950 6320 15800 35550 221460 232700 311320 473300 950550 Costs The main cost for start up of Simply recipes will be the development of the app. This will be a one off cost for the initial start-up of the app, but a running cost will need to put into place of around to maintain the app keeping it up to date and bug free. As users will be able to upload and download recipes a server will initially need to hired to have some where the recipes can be stored for uploading and downloading. This will become a running cost for the first 5 years, where we would be looking to purchase a server for the company. To remove this running cost, and allow Simply Recipes to have easier access to the content its users are uploading. Once the first year of trading is complete and recruitment is required, Simply recipes will locate to a rented office. Another major cost in developing the app is advertising as without it people will be unlikely to hear about Simply Recipes. Below if a short break down of where the major costs of the business will be going: Expenses Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Wages 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 Total Bills 20000 8000 8000 8000 8000 Advertising 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 Rent 300 300 300 300 600 190300 208300 258300 308300 358600 Profit Simply Recipes is looking to help people lead a healthier and more productive lifestyle. By providing its users with a quick and simply to use app, it can help people tackle the problems that come with unhealthy eating such as diabetes and obesity. Modern society is beginning to prefer companies and individuals who have a greener attitude. Simply Recipes aim to become other company with the ambition of offering its users a great product while at the same time helping out the environment. By helping people come up with recipes with the ingredients that have lying around will reducing the amount of food and package wastage each household produces, while at the same time reducing the expenditure on their weekly shop. We are also looking to turn over a profit, which grows with each year of trading. Allowing us to expand the apps capabilities and what Simply Recipes can offer its customers. Below is what we are looking to make in the first 5 years of trading. Profit Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Revenue  £221,460.00  £232,700.00  £311,320.00  £473,300.00  £950,550.00 Expenses  £190,300.00  £208,300.00  £258,300.00  £308,300.00  £358,600.00  £31,160.00  £24,400.00  £53,020.00  £165,000.00  £591,950.00 Figure [2] Profit Channels The way to deliver apps to customers currently for the majority of mobile platforms is through there designated app store. For apple that would be the iOS app store [2], for Google the Google Play store [4] and for Windows phone the Windows Marketplace [6]. These stores allow users to find the application quickly and easily. So we will be submitting versions on the app to these stores to allow quick and easy access to the app. For Googles Android operating system their app store is not the only place that their users can access apps from, they can also be accessed from sites such as Amazon Apps [1]. Therefore Simply Recipes will be uploaded to these stores as well. Typing up recipes on a mobile device is tiresome and can take much longer than a desktop counterpart. So we would be looking in the future to have a website counterpart to the app. That would have similar functionality to that of the app. So people gain knowledge of Simply Apps quickly, we are aiming to advertise Simply Recipes in students campus news papers and news papers such at metro to attract business men and women. Customer Segments There are several different types of customers who are likely to use the app. Initially it will be aimed at the student market and the busy business men and women who dont have much free time so tend to look for meals that are quick and healthy, while at the same time trying to save some money. We would be looking in the future to expand the customer segments in the future to having recipes specific to users dietary requirements such as if they are diabetic or cant eat gluten. Its often hard to find a good set menu for dinner parties so this is another area which Simply Recipes would like to expand on. Our market research showed that the most common meal people make at home was dinner, shown in Figure [3], so this is the meal the Simply Recipes app will try to include the most content for. Figure [3] Meal Usually Cooked At Home Customer Relationships Customer relationships will be maintained in several ways. The first is by allowing users to easily upload and share their own recipes and rate others on theirs, to give the app a greater sense of community. The second will be by offering users special offers such as a free upgrade of the app to the premium service, money off their desired supermarket or even the chance for vouchers on meals out. The more the users uses the app for purchasing their weekly shop or even by uploading their own content the more discounts and offers they will receive. The final way this app aims to maintain a good customer relationship is by having a celebrity chef section. People buy many celebrity chef books, the size of the cookbook market in the US was around $1billion in 2011 [4].
Friday, October 25, 2019
World Flight Essay -- Theology
Throughout life, culture implicitly and explicitly communicates ideas to people. Explicit statements are found in songs and art that clearly exhibit a perspective about life. Implicit messages from culture are discovered when compared to the key tenets of worldviews. An example of this implicit communication is found in the song â€Å"Clocks†by the band Coldplay. Based on analysis of the lyrics, the song â€Å"Clocks†expresses the World Flight worldview. To begin with, the lyrics of â€Å"Clocks†illustrate the World Flight perspective of God. A primary example of this idea is found in the chorus of the song. Specifically, the ancient worldview argues that God can be defined as Forms of ultimate perfection from which the earth was made. Additionally, the perspective’s main philosopher, Plato, argued that all of life must be focused on the world of the Forms. These beliefs are found in the song â€Å"Clocks†when singer Chris Martin announces, â€Å"You are and nothing else compares†(2002). Initially, this lyric seems to be a simple statement of perfection; however, the lyric reflects the worldview’s beliefs about God when compared to the World Flight perspective. The lyric becomes a cry to the world of the Forms and to the seeking of that world. The singer’s words are transformed from a mere emotional rant to a spiritual affirmation that nothing in this world compares to the Forms of the next world, expressing the World Flight perspective. Another expression of the World Flight perspective of God is found in the ending measures of the song. As the instruments cease playing, the singer states, â€Å"You are home, home, where I wanted to go†(2002). Based the ancient perspective of God, this lyric reflects the lifelong search for the world of ... ...ion of the World Flight solution to the song reveals the expression of the worldview through a musical format. Overall, the presentation of humanity’s problem and solution in â€Å"Clocks†allows one to conclude that the work embodies the World Flight perspective. In conclusion, the World Flight worldview is expounded in the Coldplay song â€Å"Clocks.†An analysis of the song illustrates the definition of God and humanity that is characteristic of the World Flight perspective. In addition, the worldview’s problem and solution for humanity are presented through the lyrics of the song. While songs often have simplistic meanings of love or loss, a deep examination of music reveals profound philosophical perspectives that have the power to shape thought and action. Works Cited Coldplay (2002). Clocks. On A Rush of Blood to the Head [CD]. Nashville: Capitol Records.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Lord of the rings
Favorite book Book of choice: Lord of the rings Why one should read the Lord of the Rings The Lord of the rings was written in by Mr.. Jar Tolkien between year 1937 and 1949 and is said to be one of the greatest fantasy novels ever written. Using a combination of lore depth and beautiful language the novel has become one of the most popular books ever to be published, selling over 150 million copies worldwide.There are many reasons why this particular novel is said to one, if not the best epic fantasy evolve ever written, one of these reasons is the vivid world in which Tolkien has put so much effort and detail. Tolkien manages to create as well as bring the reader into an amazing fantasy world so vivid, and detailed that it leaves the reader with a feeling of having been there themselves. Tolkien carefully describes landscapes, characters and situations in a way that makes the universe of Middle earth seem almost likely to exist.Another great factor to the success of the Novel could be the many languages. Tolkien manages to create specific languages which suit the different races of middle earth, such as the beautiful eleven language which has several dialects and accents which also different in a varied grade. The eleven language gives depth and mystery to these ancestral beings, It is complex yet equally beautiful. Likewise the â€Å"dark tongue of mirror†or black speech as It Is often referred to sets the proper dark mood and feeling of those whom would dare speak It.Nevertheless the main function these languages carry is the depth it brings to the culture and existence of the races and characters. Few works of art can be said to match Lord of the rings when It comes to he detailed history and cultures he describes In The Lord of the Rings, except perhaps by other works by J. R. R Tolkien himself. The history Is both quite exciting as well as meaningful, with no shortages of surprises and exciting turns along the way. Furthermore there Is little Con sidering this there Is little doubt why this novel has become one of the most legendary novels of all time.The amazingly written novel explains a vivid world filled with history, lore and beauty as well as an Imminent threat. Likewise the beautiful languages, as well as the way the story Is written brings specific dimension and â€Å"feeling†to the Journey of the mall characters. One could also mention the dramatic character developments, as well as deep messages which come forth throughout the novel, but perhaps It Is best to leave that to possible future readers to figure out by themselves. Hose ancestral beings, it is complex yet equally beautiful. Likewise the â€Å"dark tongue of mirror†or black speech as it is often referred to sets the proper dark mood and feeling of those whom would dare speak it. Nevertheless the main function these characters. Few works of art can be said to match Lord of the rings when it comes to he detailed history and cultures he descri bes in The Lord of the Rings, except perhaps by other works by J. R. R Tolkien himself.The history is both quite exciting as Furthermore there is little Considering this there is little doubt why this novel has explains a vivid world filled with history, lore and beauty as well as an imminent threat. Likewise the beautiful languages, as well as the way the story is written brings a specific dimension and â€Å"feeling†to the Journey of the main characters. One could come forth throughout the novel, but perhaps it is best to leave that to possible future readers to figure out by themselves.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Meteor Proposal
OWNERS’ BRAND PERCEPTION RESEARCH PROPOSAL Prepared for Meteor Motorcycle Company Good Stuff! Dated: September 7th, ____ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Currently, Meteor needs to understand how its customers regard four brands relative to each other: Meteor, Comet Chopper, Harley, and Big Dog. Also, because of the unexpected sales success of the Comet Chopper motorcycle, Meteor needs to understand the major factors for the appeal of the Comet Chopper. Meteor’s marketing team also needs to update the demographic profile of its customers.This is because Meteor sells through a network of dealers, some of whom do not always record details about the demographics of motorcycle buyers. BACKGROUND On September 11, 200_, the Meteor marketing team met researchers from Good Stuff! at the Meteor headquarters. The presentation included the history of the Meteor Motorcycle Company, its founders, the brand types and other useful inputs. The Meteor marketing team was open to allowing the Good Stuff ! researchers to participate in the Harvest Biker Fest event to be held in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Details of the event and other issues were discussed during the same session.It was also agreed that Meteor would provide a list of existing Meteor Chopper owners to help Good Stuff! in its research. Problem definition / RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Problem definition The research team at Good Stuff! will 1) study Meteor and Comet Chopper owners’ brand perceptions of heavyweight cruiser motorcycles, 2) so that the Meteor marketing team can better understand the appeal of these brands to specific customer segments, 3) so that the Meteor Motorcycle Company can improve the positioning of its brands in the marketplace and achieve a 30 per cent annual growth in sales revenues in the coming year.RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Accordingly, four modules of research will comprise the joint research project. †¢ To identify and gather information about existing competitors that buyers consider when buying a Comet Chopper. Good Stuff! will gain an understanding of who in terms of competitors are Comet Chopper owners’ considering during the buying process, and why. †¢ To understand the appeal of the Comet Chopper. Good Stuff! will explore the demand for the Comet Chopper by examining the appeal. Good Stuff! ill determine what the appeal of the Comet Chopper is, to further understand the feelings, stories and attitudes behind the Comet Chopper customer. †¢ To understand the level of brand awareness between Meteor and the Comet Chopper. Good Stuff! will research the customer’s perception of the brand relation between the Meteor brand and the Comet Chopper (made by Meteor). Good Stuff! will research customers’ awareness levels, identify degrees of brand awareness and examine issues related to dual branding. To describe both the Meteor owner, and the Comet Chopper owner in terms of demographics and psychographics thereby gaining a better understa nding of the existing customer profile. Good Stuff! will explore the demographics of the Comet Chopper owner in terms of age, sex, income, occupation, and education level in addition to psychographics such as attitudes, beliefs, consumption habits and interests. APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM Meteor Motorcycle Company was previously involved in similar projects with Good Stuff!. In the Fall of 1998 and in the Spring of 2000, Good Stuff! onducted Meteor’s first dealer and customer satisfaction phone surveys. Both of these surveys included a module on brand perceptions of Meteor and its competitors in the marketplace. The results had immediate operational impact for Meteor. Since the 1998 research project, sales for Meteor have increased 1800 per cent. The current research project will give primary focus to Meteor owners’ brand perceptions, with lesser emphasis to customer satisfaction of Meteor owners. Only Meteor owners will be surveyed. RESEARCH DESIGN For the purpose of thi s research Good Stuff! ill undertake primary research to execute a conclusive design using web-surveying methods , as well as an exploratory design employing observation and in-depth interviews at a regional motorcycle rider’s fest. For the web survey, all scale responses will be used. The ranking of the four focal brands on 12 different personality traits will be a core part of the research project. However, all other types of scale responses will be used. FIELD WORK / DATA COLLECTION In this effort, respondents will be recruited by phone to take the survey on the internet.For those without internet at work or at home (estimated to be less than 5 per cent of the sample frame), the interview will be conducted by phone. †¢ Web Surveys: Primary source of data collection will be through an internet site Surveytime. com; that will host the electronic questionnaire. One hundred Meteor owners and 200 Comet Chopper owners will receive a letter from Good Stuff! explaining the pu rpose of the study and inviting their participation. This 2:1 ratio of Comet Chopper to Meteor owners reflects the current sales ratio of these two brands.The letter will direct them to the website and request then to complete the survey. A $2 cash incentive will be included in each recruiting letter. Importantly, those taking the survey will be entered into a raffle for a leather Meteor varsity jacket. †¢ Phone Interviews: A concerted effort will be made to identity and approach those Comet Chopper owners that failed to complete the web survey. The contact details of the current Chopper owners would be provided by the Meteor marketing team. †¢ Observations and Interviews: Good Stuff! esearchers will attend the Harvest Biker Fest on September 19 and September 20. It is believed that the Rally will provide us with an opportunity to observe chopper owners in their environment and to interview them, as well. Coding and Data entry †¢ Survey Time. com allows the researcher s to download data into Excel spreadsheets. †¢ After conducting the phone interviews, the responses will be transferred into the excel spreadsheets, as well. †¢ Numerical data will be entered for close-ended questions. †¢ Entered data will be checked for accuracy and edited if necessary.After the spreadsheet has been edited and checked for accuracy, it will be converted into an SPSS data file. After completing the coding and data entry for the closed and open-ended questions, results will be tabulated. DATA ANALYSIS Some of the various techniques that will be utilized to analyze the data are †¢ Descriptive statistics in tabulated form using percentages †¢ Graphical analysis of the data †¢ Correlation Analysis The following are some examples of results of data analysis that Meteor’s marketing team can expect to see in the final report. . [pic] [pic] Timeline ACTIVITY |EXPECTED COMPLETION DATE | |Meeting with Meteor marketing team |Sept 11 | |Har vest Biker Fest |Sept 19& 20 | |Proposal & Questionnaire Submission |Oct 7-10 | |Survey Loaded in the Web Server |Oct 10-20 | |Letters mailed to Comet Chopper owners |Oct 10-14 | |Data Collection |Oct 14-30 | |Follow up Telephone Interviews |Nov 1-7 | |Coding, Data Entry and Data Cleaning |Nov 7-14 | |Preliminary Analysis |Nov 14-21 | |Final Analysis and Report |Nov 22-30 | |Presentation to Client |Dec 4 | Information Investment COST ESTIMATION – TASKS* |HOURS |COSTS (*) | |Upfront Consulting Work and Design |â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ |$ 8,000. 00 | |Designing & Producing Questionnaires ($55/hr) |80 hours |$ 4,400. 00 | |Research & Compilation of Name List ($55/hr) |8 |$ 440. 00 | |Final Analysis & Reporting ($75/hr) |100 |$ 7,500. 0 | |Internet Survey** |â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ |$18,000. 00 | |Phone Line / Calling Cards (1 min @ $0. 10) |250 |$ 1,500. 00 | |Telephone Interviewers (150 phone interviews @ $10 per interview) |â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ |$ 1,500. 00 | |I ncentives to Respondents ($2 @ X 300 respondents = $400 jacket) |â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ |$ 1,000. 00 | |Data Entry (1 survey @ 10minutes @ $6. 50/hr) |50 |$ 325. 0 | |Coding the Data (programming work & compatibility of data) |â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ |$ 2,500. 00 | |Other Overhead Cost (Office Supplies-binders, photocopying) |â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ |$ 500. 00 | | | | | |TOTAL | |$45,665. 00 | Note: Other operating expenses encountered during the conduct of the project will be invoiced additionally to Meteor at the conclusion of the project. Hours and hourly rates are presented for Good Stuff! ’s internal use. These would be deleted in the version of this proposal given to the Meteor marketing team. ** The Internet Survey cost includes the programming and the designing of the Web module, server and usage fee and data retrieval. REPORTING At the conclusion of the project, the following will be delivered to Meteor: †¢ Three copies of the final written report with al l the appendices. The final report will include an annotated survey with the percentage of responses for each possible question response. Detailed data tables will be included in the report to summarize important information found in the research.It will also include the final conclusions and recommendations made based on the research study. †¢ Three CD’s with the electronic version of the final report, the PowerPoint slides and the SPSS data files. PROJECT PERSONNEL Mark Peterson Research Team Leader Mark Peterson received his Ph. D. in Marketing from the Georgia Institute of Technology in March 1994. Mark received the Academy of Marketing Science’s Alpha Kappa Psi Dissertation Award for his lab and field study of consumers’ emotional responses to television ads. Mark’s scholarly works have been published in the Journal of Business Research, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Small Business Management Journal among others.Prior to launching Good Stuff! , Mark was a statistical methods consultant for SDR, Inc. in Atlanta, and an associate professor of marketing at the University of Texas at Arlington where he taught in the Masters of Science in Marketing Research program. Jim McGee Research Team Associate Jim McGee received his MSMR degree from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1996. Since that time, Jim has worked as a project manager for a variety of marketing research firms including Campbell Research and Global Mapping International. Jim is pleased to be reunited with Mark Peterson at Good Stuff! , as both were members of the legendary â€Å"Gold Team†at SDR, Inc. in the mid-nineties.Jim regards his most rewarding skill to be applying conjoint analysis – a multivariate statistical technique – in survey research to solve problems for client firms. APPENDIXES [If available at this time in the development of the project, a draft of Meteor Survey A would be attached. ] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬ â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% &ages 1 States Geographic Distribution of Comet Chopper Owners TX FL CA WI Others 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% %age 1 Brands Brand Awareness Consider Comet Chopper Thought to be a Separate Company Comet Chopper is a Meteor brand Comet Chopper is a West Coast Chopper brand Comet Chopper is a Harley Brand Others
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